I can’t actually believe Eliza is 11 months old. This time next month I will be posting a 1 year update! A year! How is that possible? I can still remember the day we brought her home from hospital, and it seems like it was just yesterday.  Weight: Not a clue.…

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Today I have a guest post from the lovely Hannah at Budding Smiles. I have been a fan of Hannah’s blog for a long time now – I love her writing style and the topics she covers, and this post is no exception. I am a linguist and always have…

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I can hardly believe that Max is 17 months old. He is a fully fledged toddler now, who has mastered walking and sleeping in a big boy bed. Now he is learning to talk. We have had a few babbled words for a long time now – ‘mama’, ‘dada’ ‘memma’ (Gemma) and…

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Max has been with us for 8 months now. 8 whole months. It has come and gone in a flash, and before I know it he will be 1. THIS YEAR he will be 1. That’s both exciting and scary in equal measures. He has learnt A LOT since my…

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