I am sure that this post will have most parents nodding along in agreement!
When you become a parent your life changes, definitely for the better, but I have found that I’ve become more aware of certain things and there are definitely moments that make me think that this can only be happening because I’ve got children. Here are just a few of my ponderings, I’m sure I’m not the only one to have noticed these.
You know you’ve got kids when :
* The only time you find your house tidy is when the kids are in bed.
Does this look familiar to anyone? |
* Going to toilet becomes a spectator sport.
* You find yourself watching the Disney Channel long after the children have gone to bed.
* The contents of your bag no longer consist of make up, hair brush and a mirror, you now find wipes, toys, tissues and lots of empty wrappers.
* The contents of your bag no longer consist of make up, hair brush and a mirror, you now find wipes, toys, tissues and lots of empty wrappers.
* You are used to eating your meals cold and drinking your coffee/tea luke warm at best.
* Lie ins are a thing of the past, only something that you can dream about – when you have time to sleep at all that is (I’m told they’re still real though).
* You have to write things down to help you remember and even then you still manage to forget, baby brain has a lot to answer for.
* Wearing clothes with stains on becomes the norm, almost like a fashion statement.
* Having a bath alone is like the best thing in the world ever, even if it is only for a minute.
* Wine becomes your best friend 🙂
I can relate to, well, all of these! So come on – now Chantelle has told you hers, lets hear your list. You know you’ve got kids when……