As a family we are always aware of the need to stay active, promote healthy activity to our children and appreciate the outdoors. We were recently contacted by Aqua Pura, and as part of their Life Champions project, we set out to enjoy a fun filled, active family day out.
Diggerland Devon is a unique family attraction that gives children (and adults) the chance to drive and operate real diggers, enjoy construction themed rides and play in the great outdoors. With something for pretty much every age range, it is definitely a real fun, if a tad pricey, family affair. Our first stop was Spin Dizzy – the ride that the children had seen advertised on the TV. Jacob didn’t fancy this one, but thrill seeker Gemma was certainly up for it! Both children enjoyed the Dig-a-round (think Chair-o-Plane but with digger buckets) and had several goes over the course of the day, as did the go karts!
One of the main attractions at Diggerland are the real diggers, that you can ride, drive and use. There are several different set ups – hook a duck, skittles and straightforward mud digging. Children as young as Max can have a go too, as long as they are with an adult – which makes it much easier for family days out – I hate going to places where I feel Max is left out of the fun.
There is a lovely Sky Shuttle digger, where you sit in the ‘bucket’ and are telescoped right up above the park for a birds eye view, as well as heaps of other attractions from Jeep safaris and digger trains to drive your own tractors and police trucks. Everything except the coin operated cars and the dodgems is included in the entry fee (£16.99 per person over 90cm). Children under this age are free but can only access limited rides. I do think it is quite expensive – you would certainly need to be prepared to spend a whole day here visiting all the rides multiple times to justify the entry fee. Having said that, everyone had a really fun day, and it is a great place to get outside, get some fresh air and exercise and experience new things.
It was a really hot day when we went, and so we made sure that the children were wearing hats and sun cream and were well topped up with Aqua Pura water, so they could enjoy the attractions to their full.
As well as all the rides and vehicles, there are also plenty of open spaces where the children could take a break, run free and play freely – big grassy areas (also perfect for picnics), wooden climbing equipment, slides, zip wires and sandpits. Again, this is great for exploring the outdoors, getting some exercise and imaginative play.
So what are our top tips for staying healthy and active?
- Make it fun. Staying active doesn’t have to be boring – especially with little ones. A fun day out, a splash in the swimming pool or a bike ride are all great ways to exercise.
- Drink, drink, drink. If your kids aren’t keen then try letting them choose fun cups and bottles.
- Turn everyday things into active fun – try a pegging out the washing race, an obstacle course in the garden or scooter races at the park.
- Lead by example. If you spend all day slumped in front of the TV then so will your children. Show them that being active and eating healthily is normal.
How do you stay active and healthy?
* We were sent a Red Letter Day voucher for a fun family day out, as well as a supply of Aqua Pura. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
This looks brilliant! I’m afraid that I always forget to take enough drinks with me anywhere – must stash some in the car! #TriedTested
Philippa Tyrer recently posted…Gruffalo Games App Review
I’ve never heard of diggerland but what a little kids dream come true! Actually tbh my hubby would probably love it as much as a little one lol. Looks like you all had fun! 🙂
We are always out and about keeping active. Diggerland has been on my radar for a couple of years. At the moment my digger obsessed Monkey still wouldn’t go near a real one, so may be next year we’re drive down to Kent and try it out for the day #TriedTested
over40andamumtoone recently posted…Big Works IVECO Rubbish Collection Lorry – a review for Tomy
This place sounds amazing! We have to go #triedtested
Zena’s Suitcase recently posted…The Breastfeeding Diaries
My little man would love this place!! Looks amazing!!
PottyMouthedMummy recently posted…Chocolate Banana Sticks
I used to be SO SO bad until about two months ago, I hardly drank any water at all and would drink about 2 coke cans a day. I now drink nothing but water. It was bloomin hard to wean off coke and I think I’d be on a slippery slope if I had more than two in a row (I sound like a bit of a druggie!!) but so far so good! 🙂
Notmyyearoff recently posted…Life and Flip Flops with Socks
oh wow this sounds fantastic! i have seen other visiting here and i have to say i would love it! – btw the water is our normal brand .. love that too 🙂 x
Jaime Oliver recently posted…Review: Panino Yumbox
Oh my goodness Buba would love this. He is totally obsessed with diggers. Love this what a fun day out. and looked nice out too. What a great place for kids and I bet a lot of memories were made along the way. Good to be back in the UK and joining in again! lol Lovely review. Thanks for hosting.
Jenny recently posted…Tuesday’s Blogiversary Giveaway: The Oxo Cookie Press & Disk Storage Case
Oh my, our little boy (and his daddy) would love to, actually who am I kidding-we’d all LOVE to go to Diggerland! I think we’re quite an active family and it helps especially during school term time with our eldest who is not a fan of school and needs other outlets. I think it’s healthy for body and mind.
Iona@redpeffer recently posted…How reading made me
Thanks for the review! We’re very close to a Diggerland but I’ve never been.. I wasn’t really sure what to expect to be honest. It does look fun but at that price I would make sure we had the entire day to spend! #TriedTested
Erin recently posted…10 West Yorkshire Family Events for the Weekend September 13 & 14
I never knew that such a park existed, it looks great fun. I love that you actually get to sit in and control REAL diggers, awesome! x
Incredible day out! Rather glad I have son’s so I can do this kinda stuff myself ha! #triedtested
Jo Smith recently posted…#SilentSunday
This looks like a great day out , there is a one near where we live and I have never been before but after reading this I think I might have to go when the children are a bit older #triedtested
It does look a good fun day out! I didn’t realise you would get to play with the really big diggers! I am not sure on the digger rides those!
Stephanie recently posted…National Teddy Bear Day 2014 – Toy name labels
Sounds a great day out. I drink plenty of water but am not active enough #TriedTested
mumjd recently posted…Rainbow Braid Loom Band Review
My girl only drinks water too and would LOVE Diggerland – sounds like a refreshing change!
Stephs Two Girls recently posted…One Direction Swap Watch Review
I’ve been wanting to take Scott to the Diggerland in Kent for ages but waiting till Alexa is a bit bigger first, looks like loads of fun 🙂
We always take frozen water with us so it stays cool throughout the day.
Michaela – TwoLittlePaines recently posted…Personal-Planner Family Wall Planner Review & Giveaway
Wow I had no idea that Diggerland was like this! Before I trained as a teacher I used to support an autistic boy who was OBSESSED with diggers, and it was his dream to go there. And then Luka came along with his love for cars and diggers etc and we always kept this place in mind for when he was older. Now I think its definitely somewhere they’d all love. Including me! x x
Well that looks like a whole lot of fun! What a fab place to visit! #TriedTested
Elizabeth recently posted…The Optimum 9400 – Not Just a Blender
This is on our next summers to do list – it looks fab!
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