Supporting the small business


I really do try and support small businesses wherever I can. I buy fruit and veg from the local organic delivery service. I buy meat from the local butcher. I get bread for the baker in the high street. As a blogger, I also love reviewing items from small companies – it’s a great way of showcasing what people can do, what fantastic products are out there, and what treasures we can get if we look at the small guys.

I am not saying I never set foot in a supermarket – obviously I do. But for us as a family, when we can support a small company, we do.

My husband has recently set up a small company himself – Fever Pix photography is a new venture, and in the very early stages. Setting it up has been a lot of hard work, a lot of stress and has taken a lot of time. But it has all been worth it – we have recently had our first wedding booking, which is hugely exciting and a massive boost for us. Being able to display those first wedding photos on the new website, being able to show examples of our work to potential customers – that will be hugely beneficial. All because someone was willing to support a small business, just through word of mouth recommendations. That’s how small companies grow.

Do you like to support small businesses or do you prefer to stick the well known larger companies? I would love to hear your thoughts about why you make the choices you do.

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1 Comment

  1. November 27, 2024 / 11:03 am

    This article is a great resource for anyone considering starting a small business! Your practical tips on balancing work and family life are so relatable and helpful. I appreciate the focus on staying organized and motivated while building a business. Thank you for sharing your experiences and insights!
    Rolly @ Payrollni recently posted…Top Payroll Challenges and How to Overcome ThemMy Profile

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