Belated Bonfire Night

With Kevin away all week, and the weather being pretty dismal on the 5th November, we had a belated Bonfire Night celebration tonight instead. We suited and booted the kids and went into the garden with a pack of sparklers, some wood to burn and a pack of marshmallows.

Bonfire Night 2014

Max was fascinated when we lit the bonfire. He hasn’t really seen fire ‘up close’ before, and he spent a good 10 minutes just sat with me, pointing at the fire and saying ‘What’s that?’ over and over. It is also the first time I have known him to keep a hat on – must have been the distracting power of the fire!

Bonfire Night 2014

Bonfire Night 2014

Bonfire Night 2014

We lit a couple of sparklers, and let Gemma and Jacob wave them around, make shapes and write their names in the sky. While we were outside, a neighbour let off some fireworks, so we were treated to a mini display too, although Max wasn’t very keen on the bangs and crashes. He did love the sparklers though, and kept staring, pointing and watching the sparks they made in front of him.

Bonfire Night 2014

Once the sparklers were all gone and the fire was burning nicely, we popped some marshmallows onto sticks and let the kids toast them on the grill. We popped a couple of mats on the floor a safe distance back from the fire so that the kids could sit and eat the treats once they were toasted, and they were enjoyed by everyone. 

Bonfire Night isn’t really a big celebration here, but it is nice to get out in the autumn evening and spend a bit of family time together. 

Did you watch any fireworks this year?

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall



  1. November 8, 2014 / 8:49 pm

    Do you know something, I have NEVER done sparklers!! Everytime I see others pictures I think “I’m going to do that” and then like a goldfish I forget about it 5 minutes later. Lovely pictures, I would love to get a Chimnea to go in the garden too 🙂 #CountryKids
    Mummy Matters recently posted…Fireworks Night 2014 – what did Jelly Bean think?My Profile

  2. November 16, 2014 / 4:02 pm

    awww this is lovely Kate and such a great idea that i may have to pinch next year about the marshmallows and mats .. we struggled finding things that dont cost the earth and that will keep Joshua happy 🙂

    thanks for linking up with #MagicMoments
    Jaime Oliver recently posted…Silent Sunday 16/11/14My Profile

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