Bump watch: 19 weeks

Bump watch, 19 weeks

19 weeks – almost halfway! All being well, in just 20 weeks time, I will be meeting my baby. If the next 20 weeks fly by as fast as the last 19 have done, it will be here before I know it. June still seems so far away, but it really will not be long before my baby is in my arms.

I am feeling pretty well at the moment. The bump seems to have changed shape and moved upwards a bit – this has resulted in breathlessness if I walk too far or go up the stairs too fast. I know this will get worse before it gets better too! Baby’s movements have changed too – they have gone from the gentle flutters to feeling more like proper kicks – albeit very gentle ones, almost like someone is flicking me from inside. It’s so reassuring to feel, and I can’t wait for the proper big kicks and pokes. I don’t think it will be long before the children are able to feel the movements if they touch my tummy, and I know they will be fascinated. 

It’s scan week next week, and Gemma and Jacob really want to know if it’s a brother or sister. They are going to have to wait a bit longer though, as we are not finding out. Either way, I know they will dote on the baby – they are so excited. They love listening to the heartbeat on the doppler – it’s really easy to find the heartbeat now, it is always just below my belly button and slightly to the left. Baby moves a lot when we are listening to the heart, and you can hear the wriggles and kicks on the monitor. 

I am feeling much hungrier than usual at the moment, and get quite light headed and shaky if I don’t eat regularly. I have lost my sweet tooth slightly, and am wanting much more fruit – apples, grapes, mango, pineapple and endless glasses of fruit juice. I am also really loving jacket potatoes and tuna – it seems like it’s a fairly healthy baby to be honest! I am so much thirstier than usual, which I assume is due to the baby too – I am drinking all the time.

If you want to read last weeks post, you can catch that here. I will be back with 2 posts next week – my usual 20 week update on Monday and then another quick post after my scan on Wednesday – eeek!



  1. February 9, 2015 / 3:38 am

    It’s all very exciting and your so good to not find out the sex of the baby .. we weren’t but i caved at the last min! lol

    thanks for linking up with #MagicMoments xx
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