Whether it’s watching England play football on the big screen with your friends, piling on to the sofa with the whole family to watch your favourite movies, or collapsing at the end of the day to watch those TV shows you recorded months ago but still haven’t got round to watching, having a comfy sofa to relax on is essential to the home!
Our sofa could be described as well loved – it gets used for something for a good portion of every day. Max lies flat on it to watch Paw Patrol and Peppa Pig, before taking all the cushions off to make a tower or a castle. Eliza joins in with this, and uses the sofa as a support for standing up and taking those first wobbly steps. Gemma and Jacob use it for everything from a place to watch TV to a safe spot to avoid the boiling lake of lava they are imagining on the floor. Kevin watches football from the sofa, shouting at the referee and cheering on England in the Euros. I use it as a comfortable space to blog, to write and research my college essays and to read a book at the end of a long day.
However, my favourite ever #SofaMoment is a very special family one – the day we came home from hospital with a newborn baby Eliza, and introduced her to her sister and brothers. Nothing else will ever compare to that.
Now I want to know – what’s your favourite memorable #SofaMoment? Let me know your top moment by commenting on the blog post and comfirming your entry on the rafflecopter form below and one of you will win £100 of Love2Shop vouchers!
Terms and Conditions
The below terms and conditions are relevant to the DFS #SofaMoments campaign
- There is one prize of £100 Love2Shop vouchers
- The prize is non-transferable and no cash alternative is offered
- Open to UK residents aged 18 and over
- Competition is closed to employees and relatives of Family Fever and DFS
- The competition opening date is 21st June 2016, and the closing date for entries is 5th July 2016
- One entry per person
- The winner will be randomly drawn from the Rafflecopter widget and will be contacted direct on the email address provided. If the winner does not respond within 7 days a new winner will be drawn
- The winner’s name will be available on request. By entering this competition participants consent to their full name being available by request from Family Fever.
- The prize will be sent within 28 days of receipt of the winner’s address
- DFS reserves the right to amend or withdraw the competition at any time without notice or liability
- Entry to this competition confirms that participants have read, understood and agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions
- This competition is governed by the laws of England and any dispute shall be governed by the English courts.
- This post is brought to you by DFS. Visit the DFS website to find out more about their great range of DFS Sofas.
More competitions at www.theprizefinder.com
After a hard days work, snuggling on the sofa with my snoring dog is the best!
Watching the recent CI documentary 60 days in jail absolutely riveting!
watching my 9month old scuffle along the sofa and tickle cuddle time on the sofa with my baby
My favourite sofa moment happens around 8.30pm every night when I can savour a cuppa in peace and quiet 🙂
Opening a bottle of Champagne on the sofa after collecting the keys to my new flat!
My favourite #SofaMoment would be when i returned home from hospital after almost losing my life. Going into cardiac arrest twice and in a coma for 3 days. The most wonderful #SofaMoment was made as i sat with my husband and two children in my living room, something that neither i nor my family at one stage thought possible again <3 X x x
We moved to the UK from Canada. It took a long 8 weeks for our belongings to arrive. The day our sofa was unloaded from the shipping crate and placed in our new living room, the kids, my husband and I all dove on it…we finally felt at home. We sure love our sofa.. there was no way we were leaving Canada without it.
Me hubby the kids dog and cat snuggling up under throws watching films bliss
My favourite sofa moment is watching a movie with hubby and having a nice bacardi and coke!
Watching Harry Potter with my grandson
My fav sofa moment is a Saturday night when we all sit down together with a Chinese and good film 🙂
My favourite #SofaMoment is after a big Sunday dinner when the whole family sits down on the sofa to watch a family movie 🙂
My favourite #SofaMoment is on a Sunday afternoon watching movies as a family all snuggled up on the sofa;
#SofaMoment is when I first met my now hubby, I invited him around and it was a freezing night, we cuddled under a blanket and watched dumb movies (not a lot watching) and we talking into the wee hours of the morning. Nothing nicer than snuggling with those you love on the sofa
#Sofa moment is watching my Welsh friends going so far in Euro 2016.
My favourite #sofamoment is just before bedtime with my little boys! We always have a snuggle on the settee and have a story! I wouldn’t change it for the world.
My favourite #SofaMoment has to be family movie nights 🙂
My favourite #SofaMoment is a Sunday afternoon when we snuggle up and have our family movie day 🙂
I love cuddling up to my 1 yr old son when he’s tired and just want snuggles with me 🙂
My#SofaMoment was when my mum was ill she came and stayed with me for 8 months whilst having her treatment when she was too poorly I used to pull my quilt of the bed and we would snuggle on the sofa under it – we learnt so much about each other at that time. She’s all better now but when ever she comes over I say shall i fetch my duvet