Who is Family Fever?

who am I?

I have seen this blogger questionnaire floating around over the last few days, and thought it was a nice way to learn more about the ‘us’ behind the blog, especially if you are a new reader!

When was the last time you cried?

A couple of weeks ago, out of frustration at the student finance office. My payments were due on 2nd Jan, but due to a random audit on my account, they didn’t arrive until the end of February. Anyone who has been a student will know how tight money is, and it was a tense few weeks waiting for that money to land in my bank account!

If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself?

I’d like to think so! I can sometimes be a bit rubbish at staying in contact with people as regularly as I would like – 4 children, a degree course and working full time shifts tends to get in the way a little! But I really make an effort to show those closest to me just how much I appreciate them, and I have a fantastic group of best friends who I know would support me through anything.

Do you use sarcasm a lot?

Ha! Define a lot….. 😉

What’s the first thing you notice about people?

Usually how they seem to have their lives together much more than I do! I look at people walking down the street with their perfectly behaved children, all wearing their smart, perfectly ironed clothes, and eating their healthy, homemade flapjack bars. This is usually while I am chasing an escaped toddler, unbrushed hair scraped back in a ponytail with my pocket full of chocolate based bribery…

Scary movie or happy endings?

Ooooh, a bit of both! I like some scary movies, as long as they aren’t too gory (with the exception of The Walking Dead). I’d probably choose something with a happy ending if I was pushed though, I love finishing a film on a high!

Favourite smells?

All the citrus. I always buy fruit scented cleaning products and candles! When it comes to perfume I stick to my trusty favourite Lacoste Touch of Pink. I am also partial to that hospital smell – I love walking on to the wards at work and breathing in that slight antiseptic smell lol. 

What’s the furthest you’ve ever been from home?

Not far! I am not a big traveller. The furthest I have been is a pre-kids holiday with Kevin, when we went to Crete for a week. 

Do you have any special talents?

Ermmmm, I think I’m pretty boring when it comes to special talents. I used to own horses and competed at county level, but that all stopped when I had children. I used to be a swimmer too, again competing regularly. I miss swimming now – it isn’t the same when you have 4 kids in tow; there tends to be more splashing than swimming! One of my resolutions this year is to find some time to go swimming on my own once a week or so. That’s still a work in progress!

Where were you born?

Tiverton, Devon, The same town we live in now.

What are your hobbies?

Blogging, when I get the time to sit and write for myself. I love running too, it’s my escape from everything. Running in the rain is my favourite, it’s so fresh and peaceful.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

I always wanted to be a veterinary nurse, and that’s exactly what I did when I left school. I worked in that field up until about 7 years ago, when I had a total change of heart and started thinking about what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. After having the children, I studied an access course and applied to university. I am now a student midwife, and loving absolutely every minute.

How many countries have you been to?

Not many at all! As I said, I am not a huge fan of travel. We did Greece and Spain pre-kids, and then did Disneyland Paris a few years ago. Kevin would love to take us all to Florida one day, but that’s all on the back burner for a bit while I am studying.

What was your favourite/worst subject in School?

I loved English and Geography, all the way through high school, and they were the subjects I did best in. English definitely helped me with blogging, and is now proving very useful for writing academically again. I haven’t really used Geography at all since I left school, but it’s still a subject I enjoy!

I hated PE with a passion. I was pretty good at writing notes to get myself out of it too…..

What is your favourite drink?

I don’t really drink hot drinks a lot, and don’t like coffee. I drink tea at work, because it’s hot and comforting on a night shift. I always have a hot chocolate when I go out with my friends. I never drink enough water, I am awful at it (that’s another New Year’s resolution that’s not going well….). I am partial to a Pepsi too.

What would you (or have you) named your children?

Our children are called Gemma, Jacob, Maxwell and Eliza. We always wanted Jacob for a boy, so choosing his name was simple. The others we just sort of stumbles across during our lives, and Kevin chose Eliza’s name.

Who are some of your favourite YouTubers?

I don’t watch YouTube at all really! I sometimes head over there to find some revision guides, or to watch episodes of some birthing programmes, but that’s about it!

How many boyfriends have you had?

Not many. A couple at school, then I met Kevin when I was 19. The rest is history!

Favourite memory from childhood?

I don’t think I could pin down one thing! I had a lovely childhood, I remember a lot of family holidays and days out. I remember Christmas days with my parents and grandparents, and helping to make the Christmas cake. The house was always full of family and friends, it was a really happy time.

How would you describe your fashion sense?

I definitely have a mum uniform! I live in leggings, jeans and jumpers. I often want to try something new but never know how or where to start! At work I am either in an unflattering uniform or a set of scrubs.

Tell us one of your bad habits!

Procrastinating. I’m pretty good at it too 😉 Like now, for example. When I should really be revising for my biology exam….

So – did anything surprise you? Is there anything else you want to know about us?


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