Enjoying the last bit of summer…

With winter fast approaching, and many days now damp and cold, we made the most of the last of the autumn sunshine with a trip to the seaside.

Gemma and Jacob love the seaside – there is so much to do, no matter what the weather. Our favourite beach activities are:
  • Rolling down sand dunes
  • Making a sand castle
  • Paddling
  • Eating an icecream – even if it is cold and rainy
  • Exploring rock pools

The children came home tired, covered in sand from head to foot, but happy. And of course, we always bring home a ‘souvenier’ – this time it was a special pebble 🙂

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall


  1. September 28, 2013 / 7:17 pm

    Lovely! I want a go!

  2. September 28, 2013 / 8:08 pm

    i love sand dunes, we discovered some this holiday too. Lovely photos.

  3. September 28, 2013 / 8:55 pm

    I miss the sand dunes at Camber after moving up here!

  4. September 29, 2013 / 12:27 pm

    As you say the beach is great no matter the season! Rolling down those sand dunes looks great fun – the sand looks so soft and clean. Thanks for linking up and sharing your beach time fun with Country Kids.

  5. October 1, 2013 / 8:40 am

    I’m so envious that you live near the coast!

  6. October 1, 2013 / 1:49 pm

    I love the look of rolling down those sand dunes, my kids would love it!
    Thanks for linking #LetKidsBeKids

  7. October 1, 2013 / 7:56 pm

    Beach fun is the best! Rolling down the sand dunes is a great activity to have on your favourites list. Over from #LetKidsBeKids.

  8. October 2, 2013 / 10:05 am

    Looks like a really good time was had – we need to go rock pooling.

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