Your parents are the people that gave you your life, while they also made considerable sacrifices to ensure that you were fed, housed and cared for during your infancy. With this in mind, it makes sense that you should want to give back to your parents as they grow older…

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What with the day-to-day tasks of running a household, going to work and looking after the little ones, it can be a real effort to fit everything in. And what’s worse is that more often than not, it’s our sleeping habits that suffer most when trying to perfect that tricky…

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Where can you find the most delightful scent in the whole world? You don’t need to travel too far. It’s not an exotic tropical flower or Hummingbird Cake. You can’t pick it or eat it. Here’s what you do: Hold a happy baby face-forward. Lean in and breathe deeply into…

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Photo Credit: libertygrace0 via Compfight cc As parents, we all have different ways of disciplining our children. That’s OK – we are not all the same, our children don’t all respond in the same way. But how and where do we draw the line? Smacking is a hot topic at…

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