At 1 year old, Eliza now has 5 teeth, and number 6 is on the way – we can just see it peeking through the gum. She hasn’t suffered too badly with teething overt the last few months, but when she was cutting her first tooth at 6 months she…

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Teething. It is not always a fun time for either babies or parents. These poor little ones don’t understand why they are in pain, why they suddenly feel uncomfortable sensations in their mouth, and why you aren’t making them go away! As parents, we find it hard too – not…

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I know I say this every month, but time is flying, and my baby girl is growing up so fast. She is already 7 months, and we are into the year of her 1st birthday. I cannot begin to comprehend that, the fact that she was born last year. Weight:…

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I can hardly believe I am writing this, but it’s been almost 3 years since I started blogging – 3 years! I honestly don’t know where the time has gone, and I can’t believe how much blogging has given me over those 3 years – an income, the chance to…

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