Can you believe we are in October already? I honestly don’t know where this year is disappearing to!  In case you are new here – let us tell you what Tried & Tested is all about. We all know how useful reviews can be. Most bloggers do them – be…

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Morning troops! How has your week been? We’ve started to settle into the new school/nursery/uni routine now, thought it might take me a bit longer to get back into the weekend studying! In case you are new here – let us tell you what Tried & Tested is all about.…

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Welcome to another Tuesday! These weeks are flying by. I feel like I have had to hit the ground running this week, being thrown into some pretty serious biology – can’t wait for the end of the week when we get the chance to practice some clinical midwifery skills! In…

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Welcome to another Tuesday! How is the week treating you so far? I started university yesterday, and today is my second day as a bona fide student midwife – I can’t believe it’s actually happened after all the waiting! In case you are new here – let us tell you…

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Hello! How did Back to School go for you? I’m pleased to say that all of mine seem to have settled well into the new term and we’re starting to get used to the new routines that go along with this. I must admit I’m not loving all this rain…

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