Phew hasn’t it got HOT?! I worked at the weekend and missed a lot of the sun, so I am enjoying it now while it lasts! In case you are new here – let us tell you what Tried & Tested is all about. We all know how useful reviews…

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Does anyone else feel like time is just flying at the moment? It’s almost the middle of June, we are halfway through 2017! In case you are new here – let us tell you what Tried & Tested is all about. We all know how useful reviews can be. Most…

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We hope you had a lovely half term? Ours was crazy busy and interspersed with sunshine which was nice! In case you are new here – let us tell you what Tried & Tested is all about. We all know how useful reviews can be. Most bloggers do them –…

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How is half term treating you? We have had a little bit of sunshine, but we could definitely do with some more! In case you are new here – let us tell you what Tried & Tested is all about. We all know how useful reviews can be. Most bloggers…

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I don’t know where the last week has gone, but here we are – Tuesday again! In case you are new here – let us tell you what Tried & Tested is all about. We all know how useful reviews can be. Most bloggers do them – be it things…

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