Yesterday the kids woke us up at 5.30am to tell us ‘There’s snow outside mummy!’ – and there was! Not loads, but plenty for sledging and snowball fights. They had the quickest breakfast ever and were outside making a snowman by 8am.
Their school was still open so we wrapped up warm and walked to school, the kids were so excited about going to play in the snow with all their friends!
When I collected them from school later they had wet gloves and rosy cheeks, they were so beautiful 🙂 We came home and got the sledge out – we are lucky to live at the top of a hill and so we all spent another happy hour sledging and throwing snowballs before coming in, getting our pyjamas on and cuddling up with hot chocolates all round.
PERFECT snow day 🙂
Did you have snow where you are? Would love to hear your snow day stories!