The sun is shining this morning and it seems like spring might finally be making an appearance!
Jacob has been growing his very own broad bean plant from a seed, and over the last few days it has shot up – so much so that we had to go and buy a bigger pot for it at the weekend!
He has been so proud of himself – starting this plant from a tiny seed and looking after it himself has given him a huge sense of achievement. He has watered it every day, and carried it outside into the garden every sunny day so it can ‘sunbathe’.
I think in another week or so, if the sun is still shining we will put it outside. We always try and grow some vegetables every year as the children love it. Gemma wants to grow carrots and peas this year, and Jacob has asked to plant some tomatoes, so think we will be busy getting back to nature over the next few weeks!
Being outside in the garden has made both children more interested in exploring nature too, and we have had endless questions about how and why things work the way they do. The children are like little sponges, and it is so rewarding watching them learn through nature.
Do you grow anything in your gardens, and do the children enjoy sampling the fruits of their labour?
We have entered our ‘Spring growing’ into the Tots 100 and Center Parcs competition