Playtime! Fisher Price Disney Nemo baby gym – review

I love Fisher Price. Over the years we have had many of their products, and they have seen us through from baby to toddler and beyond. So I was thrilled to be asked to road test a new product top the market – the new Disney Nemo baby gym from Fisher Price. Well, when I say me, it has obviously been Max doing most of the testing!

A baby gym is a nursery essential. It gives baby somewhere to lie, relax and play (and it means I get a chance to grab a cup of tea!). There are so many different themes and colours on the market, but we all loved this one as we are big Nemo fans – as you can see!

Once Gemma and Jacob had been persuaded to get off the mat and go to school, Max got a chance to really try it out. The mat is quite padded so he is comfy lying on it, and straight away he fixated on the flashing lights. These flash in time with the music (which can be set to one song, or you can have it playing continuously for about 20 minutes) and the music can even be activated by your little one when they kick or hit the button!
The hanging toys can be moved about to different positions, so if your little one likes a certain toy, you can move it into their reach, and they could also be removed altogether to use as teething keys, although obviously Max isn’t quite ready for that yet!
Once Max had had a good look at the lights, and bashed the toys about a bit, he suddenly noticed the mirror, and spent a good few minutes staring at his reflection (well, he is very handsome!). The mirror can also be removed from the bar and used separately  – ideal for tummy time play.
This baby gym is one of the best I have come across, it really is. It has so many different features, and offers the flexibility of being great for tiny tots, and being adaptable for tummy time play as your little one grows. And of course, everyone loves Nemo, don’t they?
So in conclusion – what does Max think? Well, he certainly seems to like it:
Why not pop over to Fisher Price to find out more about their range of baby gyms or look them up on Facebook. The Disney Nemo baby gym will be available from Argos from the end of July.
* We were sent this item free of charge for review purposes but all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own*



  1. October 29, 2013 / 8:51 am

    I absolutely love this! Not only is it uber-cute but looks brilliant for babies too….I will be popping along to Argos to pick one up I think!

  2. June 4, 2014 / 12:24 am

    Aww, that is such a cute baby gym 🙂 Nice review!

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