Fisher Price Starlight mobile – review

Max and I were recently sent a Fisher Price Starlight Mobile to review.
A lot of parents will know the value of a cot mobile – something interesting to look at, and some music to listen to can often help to settle a fractious baby. The starlight mobile has soothing sleepy-time music – perfect for comfort, and for becoming part of the bedtime routine, while the sparkly, reflective stars catch the light. There is even a little starlight show that projects onto the ceiling.

So, first impressions – we love the mobile. Next step – is it easy to fit?
Well, put it this way. I am not at all technically minded – putting together ANYTHING is usually beyond me. But I managed this all by myself, and it only took a few minutes:

I like the way it looks – it is not too brightly coloured that it hurts my eyes lol, but there is more than enough for little ones to look at.
Time for the big test – what does Max think?

As you can see, Max is fascinated by this mobile! He loves the way the stars catch the light, and the pretty, soft music, and he spent a good 10 minutes just lying, and watching. And in case you were wondering…..
it’s perfect for bedtime. Max fell asleep 🙂
My conclusion? This is a great, all round mobile, with many great features. The stars that reflect the light are a genius idea, as the light bounces around the room. The starlight projector offers a beautiful, soothing light show, perfect for bedtime, and the music is gentle, soft and not tinny. In short, there is nothing we don’t like about this mobile. It is definitely a must have for any nursery. 
You can find out more about the Fisher Price Starlight cot mobile HERE.
* We were sent this product free of charge for the purpose of this review, but all thoughts and opinions are my own *



  1. August 10, 2013 / 8:13 pm

    Those photos are amazing! I love his little face!

    • August 10, 2013 / 8:17 pm

      Thanks! I am getting really into photography at the minute. His face was pure concentration lol

  2. August 10, 2013 / 8:18 pm

    This sounds great. My son is 10 months and he still doesn’t have a mobile!

    • August 10, 2013 / 8:19 pm

      This one is definitely worth a look!

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