Maxi Cosi Reporter, Challenge 3: A trip across town

This week is week 3 of our Maxi Cosi challenge. In week 1 we unpacked our new pushchair and week 2 saw us discovering hidden treasures in our town.
This weeks challenge? Take a trip across town, see how the Loola copes, how it handles different terrains, and how easy it is to transport. Challenge accepted!

First job? Load the Loola into the car. It takes up very little space, leaving loads of room for all the other rubbish we carry around with us!

We started with a quick trip to Tesco, to stock up on some snacks and drinks for the journey. Very important to have the right fuel on board! The Loola copes really well in busy spaces like this, as it is very easy to manoeuvre, and can wind in and out of all the crowds with no problems. The huge basket is fab for holding all the shopping too!

Now on to the journey! We decided to follow the river through town, and so headed down to the quay. The roads here are all cobbled – would the Loola cope? I am pleased to say that it did, and very well too! I locked the wheels for this (I love that this is done by a button on the chassis, you can even do it while you are on the go). The ride was not too bumpy for Max, and the steering was smooth.
Next, it was time for lunch, so on to the grass for a picnic. I was worried the fairly small wheels would make pushing on grass hard, but I was surprised again by the tough little Loola, it handled well, even coming down a fairly steep slope from the picnic site!

With the children refuelled with sandwiches and kit-kats, we set off again. Next up was a wander over the bridge. The Loola is so easy and lightweight to push, that even little people can manage it!
As we walked over the bridge, something caught the children’s eye. Once they had seen it, we knew we just had to give it a go, and it was a great excuse to see just how manageable the Loola really is!
So, here is our boat trip – steps and all:

So was it easy? I have to say that it was! The Loola coped with everything we threw at it, and there are several little touches that make life easier. I love the wheel lock on the chassis, so you can switch between swivel and fixed wheels in an instant. I love the large shopping basket that holds everything but the kitchen sink. I love the baby nest that keeps little Max snug, cosy and secure in the lie flat seat. And I love the huge hood that kept Max dry during drizzly showers without the need to use the raincover.
The Loola certainly passed the ‘Trip around Town’ challenge with flying colours. This pushchair grows on me more and more every day, and I keep finding cool new features that really appeal. Here’s to challenge 4!

* I am a Maxi-Cosi reporter. I was sent the pushchair and accessories free of charge as part of the Maxi Cosi reporter challenge, but all thoughts, opinions and photos are my own *



  1. August 4, 2013 / 8:02 pm

    Love the amount of room underneath and the general size of the buggy. We took it to Legoland this weekend! I was worried it would get pinched, it’s that nice!!

    • August 4, 2013 / 8:45 pm

      Me too – a big basket is very important! Wow, Legoland! Not jealous at all 😉

  2. August 5, 2013 / 12:15 pm

    Great to see it lived up to your expectations. Out and about around town, a picnic and a boat trip too, thanks for sharing with Country Kids.

  3. August 5, 2013 / 5:47 pm

    Lovely we reviewed a Loola and really liked it too 🙂 x

  4. August 7, 2013 / 10:32 am

    Love the Loola. Thanks for cohosting the MMWBH x

  5. August 8, 2013 / 1:10 pm

    I’m really impressed that it coped with the grass – you would think that such small wheels would struggle. My current pram has air filled tyres which I constantly need to re-inflate but they make for a smooth ride I suppose.
    I can’t believe how small it folds – it looks like your average umbrella fold stroller.

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