I have been thinking about how to word this post – this week has made me thankful for a lot of things.
Many people in the blogging community have come together this week to pay their respects and mark the 1 year anniversary of a little girl taken from this world far too soon. Many of you will know about Matilda Mae. I know that I hugged my children just a little bit tighter on Sunday night.
So this week, it’s simple. I am thankful that my children are here, are safe and well, and that I can hug them. And my heart breaks for Jennie, David, Esther and William knowing that they can’t hug their precious baby tonight.
Thanks for linking up kate. Matilda has certainly had a massive effect on many people and raised money for good cause but my heart breaks for her family too
Thanks for linking up kate. Matilda has certainly had a massive effect on many people and raised money for good cause but my heart breaks for her family too