Croozer Kid Plus review, part 1

When Gemma and Jacob were small we had a double bike trailer, and it got a fair bit of use. Both of them loved being in there while Daddy towed them along on his bike, and we had many lovely family days out in the countryside. 
Because we only planned to have 2 children, once Gemma and Jacob were bigger, we sold our bike trailer on – so when Max came along we no longer had a trailer. Which is where Amba Marketing stepped in – sending us the Croozer Kid Plus trailer to try out. For your own comfort while cycling, read this article.
I handed the task of assembling the trailer over to Kevin, putting things together not being my strong point. He tells me it was simple, and I have to say that it didn’t take him long at all. 
It’s a real beast – you can tell how sturdy and tough it is just by looking at it.

 These wheels could handle anything – and I mean anything. Sand, mud, grass, gravel, snow – you name it.
If the weather turns nasty while you’re out, you don’t need to worry – the Croozer has a flip down raincover that just zips into place to create a waterproof shell to keep your little one dry. As for you – well you just have to put up with getting wet I’m afraid.
With the 2 larger rear wheels, the trailer works as your standard bike trailer. Just attach the bar onto the wheel cogs of your bike (even I could manage this bit – that tells you how easy it is!) and away you go. 
The next test was seeing just how comfortable the trailer was for the children. If we are heading out with the bike trailer we will often be out for a whole day, with stops for walks, lunch and games. So it needs to be comfortable enough for Max to sit in for a while.
Our Croozer Kid Plus came with a sling seat for the smallest member of the family. This means he will not slide around in the big main seat, and will be harnessed in comfortably.
You can see that the sling makes the seating section smaller and more cosy for Max, and it gives him somewhere to rest his legs, so they are not dangling down unsupported. Fitting the sling was a simple case of stretching it across the seat and clipping into place.
Once Max was in, it was time to give it a mini road test – having a push around the garden and driveway to see how it moved.
Max was more than happy in the Croozer, even with the raincover down. This surprised me, as he hates the pushchair raincover. The position he is sat in with the sling looks ever so comfortable and natural, and gives him plenty of space to move his arms and legs around – as you can see he liked trying to catch the raindrops.


The real beauty of the Croozer Kid Plus is the fact that it can be a trailer, or a pushchair. If you are out for the day on your bikes, but stop somewhere for a wander, you don’t need to worry about taking your little one out and carrying them. All you need to do is carry one of the front wheels along with you, in the HUGE storage compartment behind the seats – the choice of which wheel is down to you. For off roading, uneven ground, you would pack the large front wheel as shown above – just clip on the pushchair handle and you have turned your bike trailer into an off road pushchair.
If you are heading somewhere which involves your average pavement walking, then you could just pop the small front wheel into the storage section – when you jump off your bike, just clip on the smaller buggy wheel. There is more than enough room for everything you need in the storage section – the wheel, the handlebar and anything else you might need to carry for a day out.
I love the simplicity of it all. If we are heading out on our bikes, we don’t need to worry about what we will do if we need to leave our bikes somewhere and walk to a picnic area, a shop or a pub (ahem). It means we don’t need to carry Max while also lugging along bags filled with everything except the kitchen sink. It is a bike trailer and a pushchair all in one – and not just any pushchair but a real off road machine, which is perfect for our lifestyle. 
And in case you are wondering about how on earth this beast of a trailer will fit into your car boot – just take a look at how small everything can fold down.
The next test will be packing up and trying it out on the road. Watch this space…
Family Fever
We were sent the Croozer for the purpose of this review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

1 Comment

  1. Adi
    June 9, 2016 / 7:52 am

    Hello , could you please measure the width of the interior ? How many cm has the seat? How many cm is every seat ? But the shoulders ? Thanks very much.

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