Links of London everlasting postcard review

I got an early Mothers Day present in the post today.

A little while ago I was asked to review the Everlasting Postcard from Links of London, and I knew straightaway that it was something I wanted to do. It’s a lovely way of preserving some special memories forever. I downloaded the order form, and handed it over to Gemma and Jacob to design their postcard. I had to explain to them that every mark they made on the form would be engraved into the silver postcard, so it had to be their best handwriting or their neatest drawing. 
Once they were done, the form was scanned and emailed over, and we sat back and waited for the arrival of our everlasting gift.
Getting a photo to do this gorgeous gift justice has proved rather tricky – it is so shiny! In case you can’t read the engraving, my wonderful Mothers Day postcard reads: “Happy Mothers Day, we love you too much to hate you and throw you out of the family. Love from Gemma, Jacob and Max.”
Ahhh kids. I THINK there is a compliment or a loving sentiment hidden in there somewhere – they decided to keep me at least. This will be the item that comes out over and over again when I am feeling low – it is guaranteed to put a smile on my face. 
Happy Mothers Day to all of you for tomorrow – have a good one!

I was sent this item free of charge for the purpose of this review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. 


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