Princes pancake toppings

Pancake day is just around the corner (I know – already?) and we have been *ahem* practicing this week. All in the name of making a perfect pancake you understand, and not just an excuse to scoff lots of pancakes.
One of the things always up for debate is what topping to have on your pancake. I favour lemon and sugar, while the kids prefer to make weird and wonderful concoctions involving chocolate spread, icecream, sprinkles and sauce. 
When Princes got in touch offering to send us some fruit fillings to try on our pancakes this year, we thought it would be a great way to try some new flavours.

We made our pancakes as usual, and once cooked we added the fruit filling as a fun and tasty topping!
Gemma and Jacob adore strawberries, and Max eats anything and everything lol – so these went down very well indeed – even Max had his first taste of pancake.

If you are making pancakes on Tuesday, then I would definitely suggest picking up a couple of tins of Princes fruit filling to top them with – it makes a lovely refreshing change!

We were sent a selection of fruit tins for the purpose of this review, but all thoughts and opinions are my own.


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