Purflo gets gold!

You may remember a few months ago I announced that I had been chosen as a Koo-di and Purflo ambassador. As part of this scheme, I can share all the exciting news from Koodi and Purflo HQ – and this week saw some VERY exciting news on the Purflo front.

The PurFlo SleepSac has been awarded Gold for Nursery Accessory of the year by Prima Baby & Pregnancy Awards 2014. 

I reviewed the Purflo Sleepsac a little while ago, and we loved it – the little extras such as the detachable sleeves for the colder months and the anti allergenic Amicor filling make this sleeping bag stand out from the crowd, and I am not at all surprised that it won the Gold award. Well deserved, and another reason why I am proud to represent Purflo.


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