Give a book this Easter – Lost my name book review

I hate the fact that at Easter my children get given piles and piles of chocolate eggs. Don’t get me wrong, I have no issue with chocolate, but there is a limit to how much one child can eat – it either results in chocolate smeared faces and sore tummies, or a cupboard chock full of Easter treats.
This Easter, why not give something different? What about a book like these from Lost my name?

These books take your child on a magical journey where they meet lots of wonderful characters who each give them a letter of their name. A lovely personal read for any child – from the very first page.
The Lost my name books are designed for children aged 2-6, but all 3 of my children loved them for different reasons. 
Gemma (aged 8) loved that she could read it herself, and enjoyed tucking herself up in bed and discovering the story. Jacob (aged 5) is in the target age range, and it really is perfect for him – the words used are all at a level he can easily understand, he really enjoyed looking at the beautiful illustrations, and he loved seeing which characters would find the letters of his name. Max (aged 10 months) just likes being read to, and the bright and colourful pages really caught his eye.

You can log onto the website, and preview your book before ordering. Just type in your child’s name, select boy or girl and you will see a mock up of how the book will look. I like this, as you can check through it first to make sure it is just right for you.
I think these books would make a really beautiful Easter gift (or a birthday or Christmas gift for that matter!) and will last so much longer than a chocolate egg. I am pretty sure my children will treasure these gorgeous books for years to come.
To get a 15% discount off of your order, simply enter the code HappyEaster at the checkout!

We were sent these books free of charge for review purposes, but all thoughts and opinions are my own.



  1. Jillian
    June 12, 2014 / 12:56 pm

    Hi! I’m considering by one of these books for our 8-yr old niece. Did your 8-yr old find the book below her reading level at all? Or is it more about the uniqueness of the book?

    • kate
      June 12, 2014 / 1:03 pm

      My 8 year old found this really enjoyable. It’s below what she would usually read, level wise, but I think that’s nice sometimes. The uniqueness of the book makes it a really special and personal experience for her.

  2. Jillian
    June 12, 2014 / 3:12 pm

    Thanks Kate! That’s really helpful. Do you know if the dedication goes in the actual book? I just a card or something? I would assume it goes in the book but I just want to make sure.

    • kate
      June 12, 2014 / 3:20 pm

      It’s inside the actual book, inside the front cover. The people at Lost my name are very helpful so I woiuld drop them a line if you want something specific 🙂

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