I can hardly believe it, but Eliza is due to start school this September (where does the time go?!) While I don’t have any desire to be a ‘pushy parent’, I am more than happy to encourage her love of books and reading, and the LeapFrog Leapstart 3D interactive learning…

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Forest School has become a buzzword within parenting circles as parents become more and more aware of its benefits, such as: Playing in nature – Learning through experience – Free play – Managing risk To name a few… Now, Forest School becomes even more accessible with the publication of Play The Forest School Way, a woodland adventure…

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Many teens just don’t want to read anymore. Instead they choose to sit in front of all the technology that is now readily available to them, whether that is their smartphone, a games console or tablet.  They are reading, of course, but reading Facebook statuses and their Twitter timeline isn’t…

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Britain is packed full of literary connections so to help you find the perfect day out, the book worms at holiday company www.cottages.com have created a map of the best places to visit to immerse yourself in the worlds of your child’s favourite authors and stories. If you’ve always wanted…

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Potty training has never been my favourite part of parenting, so anything that can help make it that little bit easier is a winner in my book.  We are right at the very start of our potty training journey with Max – gently introducing him to the potty, what happens…

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