Project 365, day 96 – 102

The first week of the Easter holidays, and the sun has shone – we have been making the most of it!

Day 96 – Exploring the grass with Daddy

Day 97 – Just chilling after a busy day

Day 98 – Sibling love

Day 99 – Max loves the swings!

Day 100 – Lots of mud – Jacob is in his element!

Day 101 – Wheeee!

Day 102 – An early morning bike ride.
Which picture is your favourite this week, and what have you been up to?
TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky



  1. April 18, 2014 / 8:22 pm

    Oh wow Kate so many wonderful photos! They all made me smile but the wheee photo made me go “oh wow brilliant” out loud so it has to be that one! Hope this week has been just as good 🙂

  2. April 19, 2014 / 8:59 am

    Yes the whee photo is an amazing capture. I love the first picture and the sibling love photo is so cute. Gorgeous photos.

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