Belo & Me lunch bag review and giveaway

Finding a lunch bag that works on a practical level and also looks great can be a real challenge – especially if you are looking for one that works for an adult or older teenager rather than a young child. 
Belo & Me little lunch bags are perfect for this. There are designs to suit small children, teenagers and adults alike, and for a little bag they hold a surprising amount! Made from environmentally friendly jute, they are the eco friendly option and should last and last. 

We chose the 4 Heart design in purple – mainly because both Gemma and I liked it, so I thought we could share it. How wrong I was. Once it arrived, Gemma immediately claimed it as her own, and I haven’t had a look in since. She has used it for school lunches, storing her hairbands and a place to keep her Moshi Monsters safely. 
On a practical level, it works well as a lunch bag – although I would say that if your child plans on taking it to school, beware that there is no fastening at the top, and so if they are likely to throw their lunch bag around it might not be the one for them. It holds an average sized lunch, and would also work well as a small shopping bag, a gift bag or even a party bag.
If you fancy winning a Belo & Me bag of your choice, then enter my competition below.

Terms and condition – open to UK residents. Winner will be randomly selected from all correctly completed entries and contacted by email. Winner must claim their prize within 10 days or it will be redrawn.



  1. Kirsty Woods
    June 12, 2014 / 7:17 pm

    The pink tree design.

  2. June 12, 2014 / 8:18 pm

    Little Lunch Bag: Heart Design – Black is my favourite 🙂

  3. Natalie Crossan
    June 12, 2014 / 7:40 pm

    Purple bird design for me 🙂 x

  4. Eleanor Powell
    June 12, 2014 / 8:20 pm

    The Black Owl Design bag

  5. Champaklal Lad
    June 12, 2014 / 9:10 pm

    Little Lunch Bag: Cartoon Design – Purple

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