Making a will is one of those things that often gets pushed to the back of the to-do list. You know that you should do it, but it is relegated to ‘one day when you have the time’. Am I right?
It is so important. I cannot emphasise that enough. You read horrible, tragic stories in the news every single day – and although we always think these things won’t happen to us, the sad truth is that they could. You need to be prepared – especially if you have a young family to consider.

So what do you think of these figures? Did you realise just how many people haven’t got around to making a will yet? Scary isn’t it? I am so glad we have one – just knowing that if the worst were to happen our children would be left well cared for and provided with everything we could possibly offer them. There really is no greater peace of mind.
Very interesting infographic didn’t realise the statistics were so high!
I must admit that shamefully we still haven’t sorted ours out. We weren’t sure (at first) who to ask to go in the will as possible guardians for Little Man if something happened to us both and that slowed us down. But we have no reason to not have one now, so thanks for the reminder!!
We haven’t made a will yet, really should at some point! x
I have learn some good stuff here. Certainly price bookmarking for revisiting. gdddegcegdbe