BOB Revolution Pro review at the World of Country Life

We have a fantastic little family friendly place not far from us. The World of Country Life has loads of attractions for everyone to enjoy, and it is a really lovely day out. With lots of outdoor fun, such as the deer safari, petting farm, birds of prey centre and huge outdoor play zones, it was the perfect place to try out the B.O.B Revolution Pro pushchair from Britax.

Britax B.O.B Revolution Pro review

The BOB Revolution Pro is a serious piece of kit, there’s no doubt about it. It’s the perfect set of wheels for any off road activity – the 16″ rear tyres and shock absorbing suspension really do give a smooth ride anywhere. On our day out we managed grass, mud, gravel and even sand with no problems at all.

Britax B.O.B Revolution Pro review

It was a lovely, sunny day and as Max hates to wear a hat – often throwing it over the side of the pushchair – the hood of the B.O.B came into play quite a lot. It’s HUGE – no doubt about it, and it offers loads of shade. In fact, everything about the B.O.B is huge – the wheels, the hood, the seat – and of course this does make the fold quite bulky too. It’s not as big as I expected, but it’s certainly not going to be the choice for small cars or public transport. As we have a huge boot, this isn’t a problem for us, but you would want to bear it in mind if you are looking to buy.

As I mentioned before, the seat is really spacious, and will hold children up to 17kg. The only negative with the seat is the recline system – as often found on these big, off road pushchairs it is a strap recline, which I really hate, as I struggle to adjust it with a baby in the seat. I also found that the most upright position on the B.O.B is still fairly laid back – Max quite likes this at the moment, but older babies may prefer a more upright seating position. The 5 point safety harness is straightforward to use and has lovely padded shoulder straps for comfort.

Britax B.O.B Revolution Pro review

Using the pushchair itself is a breeze, everything is very intuitive. There is the option to have the front wheel either in lock or swivel position – this can be changed by simply pushing a red level above the front wheel. Locking the wheel makes it easier to push on rough ground or sand, and makes the pushchair suitable for running. You also have a lever for adjusting the tracking! There is also a large foot operated parking brake, as well as a handbrake for control on hills and bumpy terrain. The basket is pretty large for this type of pushchair, easy to access and holds up to 4kg, which is plenty for everyday use.

The fold is achieved by simply pulling 2 levers on the handlebar and folding the top over onto the seat section, before pulling a handle at the rear of the seat to collapse flat. There is a manual frame locking strap to keep everything together. To unfold, unclip the strap, pull the handle you used to fold with and then grasp the handlebar to unfold fully.

All in all, the B.O.B Revolution Pro is a really great choice, especially if you do a lot of running or live in a rural area with rough terrain, like we do! It’s the perfect option for days out to the beach, walking on the moors and woodland strolls. It’s on the large side for an everyday pushchair, but you wouldn’t really expect anything less – it is a tough set of wheels and is built as such. 

We really enjoyed out day out at the World of Country Life. The children enjoyed watching the birds of prey show, where an owl flew so low over our heads it actually touched us! Gemma and Jacob walked a goat, had a chance to stroke and chat to loads of different animals, as well as exploring the many play areas, slides and museums. We also loved riding the deer safari train – the beautiful deer come right up to the carriages, and you can hand feed them – it’s a lovely thing to be able to do.

World of Country Life review

Family Fever
Britax mumbassador




  1. July 28, 2014 / 10:12 am

    This looks fantastic for an outdoors lifestyle – The big wheels are awesome! I’m more of a towny so look for smaller, more compact pushchairs to nip around the shops but if we went on days out more often this would be a great investment x

  2. July 28, 2014 / 3:05 pm

    I could have done with this in Blackpool last week! I didn’t even attempt to get Amy’s pushchair down on the sand – which was frustrating for Ben and Chloe who just wanted paddle! x

  3. July 28, 2014 / 3:42 pm

    It looks like you had a brilliant day at World of Country Life, that pushchair looks like it’d be suitable for fun on the farm too! Dropping in from Magic Moments

  4. July 28, 2014 / 10:10 pm

    World of Country Life looks fab, definitely the sort of place my two would enjoy. I’m rather jealous of your BOB though, it would be perfect for us! Thanks for linking up to #WHWH.

  5. July 29, 2014 / 8:02 am

    That does look like a great place to test it out! Looks good, too, he looks very conmfy in there x

  6. July 29, 2014 / 8:05 am

    Wow! Looks an amazing buggy. I found it really hard to find one that was good on sand with my little ones. They always just got stuck! We also live near woods so this would have been perfect xxx

  7. July 29, 2014 / 8:13 am

    Love the look of this #triedandtested

  8. July 29, 2014 / 8:32 am

    Looks like a fabulous place to visit, and the BOB looks extremely comfortable and sturdy. Definitely a good all terrain pram! x

  9. July 29, 2014 / 8:36 am

    This looks like an awesome off road buggy! Fab review 🙂

  10. July 29, 2014 / 8:48 am

    This pushchair looks fantastic. Living by the beach, this would be perfect for going on the sand. Thanks for sharing. x

  11. July 29, 2014 / 8:52 am

    It looks perfect for country life and swapping between different aged children

  12. July 29, 2014 / 9:59 am

    I love the look of this pushchair. I’m a big fan of all terrain prams, so easy to push. I couldn’t go back to a normal smaller pram now!

  13. July 29, 2014 / 10:30 am

    That looks seriously heavy duty, comfortable, and stable. And it looks like you had so much fun. #TriedTested

  14. July 29, 2014 / 10:34 am

    Is this place in Devon – it looks ever so familiar. I think a proper day out is a great way to test a pushchair – give it a real challenge!


  15. July 29, 2014 / 10:37 am

    Oooh, that buggy looks right up our street! I’m always looking out for sporty/ off road buggys- although Bear is now increasingly running around like a lunatic!

  16. July 29, 2014 / 10:43 am

    This looks fab, Max looks very comfy in it 🙂 I need to make a choice with Ted’s prams as we have 2 Graco’s, a Travel System and a Stroller but the stroller is really quite hard to push around :/ xx

  17. July 29, 2014 / 12:06 pm

    I wish we’d bought something a bit more off road, I didn’t realise how much time we spend in the countryside until we had the baby – this looks perfect x

  18. July 29, 2014 / 1:16 pm

    Iv’e heard these are great. Personally for me the style is not my thing but if they do the job that’s what’s important x

  19. July 29, 2014 / 2:44 pm

    Great review, it looks great and I like the sound of being able to lock the front wheel, ours spins round and it drives me bonkers when you get stuck going down a step because the wheel has turned sideways! It looks huge though and I am pretty sure it won’t fit in my boot! xx #triedtested

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