Finding my past

I find family history really interesting – discovering who you are, where you have come from and what happened to those before you. My dad has a huge family tree that he has been researching for years now, and finding out we have relatives in Canada, and that my great great great grandparents were bakers in London is fascinating, and I regularly phone my dad for the latest updates!

So when I was offered the chance to find my own past on I couldn’t wait to get started. Signing up is as simple as putting in your name, email address and your date and place of birth. You can then add in your parents information, your grandparents information (plus any great-grandparents you know of) as well as marriages, siblings, children and important life events. 

Find my past reveiw

You can choose to add photos too, to create a more personal feel to your story. Once you have added in as much detail as you would like, you simply hit ‘Create your Story’ and a video of your past and your history will begin. Each family member and life event you have chosen will play in date order, and each year of birth will include a special event from that year too. 

Who do you think you are review

This is a really lovely touch, and my children enjoyed seeing what happened in the year they were born.

You can add in as much detail as you have available to you, going as far back as your family history allows. I was lucky enough to have quite a long line of names and dates of birth from my Dad’s research, but if you don’t have much to go on, you can start with as little as your name and your parents details. I liked that I could add in my own marriage and children too, to create a whole new family history starting with us. 


I was lucky enough to be one of the first to use this new site, along with Matthew Pinsent and Larry Lamb. Who Do You Think You Are? Story is designed for fans of the TV show, but I think anyone with an interest in family history would enjoy using the site – it will be a lovely thing to show my children as they grow, and I look forward to adding further, exciting life events as they happen.

This is a post written in collaboration with Who Do You Think You Are? and Tots100. I have been compensated for my time, but all thoughts and opinions are my own.


1 Comment

  1. August 12, 2014 / 6:16 pm

    This looks fantastic! I’d love to find out about my family history x

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