Review round up: Kids stuff

 Review round up, kids stuff

Tatty Tot dungarees

I have only recently come across this company, and I have to say that I fell instantly in love with the Workmans Dungarees. Made from a gorgeously soft moleskin fabric, they have roll up hems and adjustable straps, so you get A LOT of wear from these. Max has the 1-2 years dungarees, and they will fit him for a long, long time yet – we have the legs rolled up and the straps on the shortest setting at the moment, and he is 16 months old!

They have heaps of pockets – not only does this look funky, it means that as Max grows he will have a place to store all his special things – you know the amount of stuff that toddlers like to carry around with them! 

They wash well, they look gorgeous and although they cost a bit more than I would usually spend on a pair of dungarees you can see why. They are such good quality and would easily last 1,2 or even 3 children.

Tatty Tot dungarees

Dr Panda apps

I try not to let Gemma and Jacob spend too much time on computers, but a little bit of screen time is not only a necessity sometimes, but can be an educational experience. I choose the apps I allow them to use carefully, and one of the current favourites are the Dr Panda games. Hoopa City is Jacob’s game of choice – it allows him to create and build a town, and is the perfect interactive outlet for imaginative play.

Hoopa City app


Gemma favours Toto’s treehouse –  a new character game which encourages children to care for and play with a newly hatched small turtle having lots of fun along the way. All of the Dr Panda games are simple for children to pick up, offers the option to learn along the way (for example, Jacob learnt which building materials make a good, sturdy house) and have a bit of fun while Mummy has a sneaky 5 minute cuppa in the kitchen!

Tomy Britain’s Farm toys

Tomy Britans Farm toys

We are HUGE Tomy fans and have had a lot of their products over the years. I am also a big fan of farm toys – I think they are so adaptable, and able to be used in so many play situations. The new Britains Farm Toys range features true British classics – we have the Land Rover and sheep trailer set and a Massey Ferguson tractor. As we live in rural Devon, the children are used to seeing these sort of vehicles out on the roads around home, and so being able to bring those into their play has been fantastic. They are very true to life, and make a great addition to our wooden farm set – as well as being used in other play situations from rescuing stranded Lego men to knocking over towers. They are well made and the high quality you would expect from Tomy, and we expect to get many years of play from these.

Have you discovered any great kids products lately? It’s time to start planning for *whispers* Christmas!



  1. August 26, 2014 / 9:27 pm

    Those dungarees are gorgeous! I’m on the look out for some cute dungarees for Amy at the moment x
    Colette recently posted…Tried & Tested TuesdayMy Profile

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