Financial advisors or the internet?


Do you have life insurance? It’s something that we set up once we had children – something about becoming a parent reinforces the fact that it is something you really do need. If anything were to happen to me, or to my husband, we would want to know that the other person was left with the ability to pay off the mortgage, bring up the children comfortably, and not have to worry about juggling full time work and 3 small children.

It’s not something anyone really wants to consider, but it’s one of those things, like wills, that could be really important. When we decided to set up our life insurance, we headed for the internet – it’s where we always go to research anything from energy bills to christmas shopping ideas. After a lot of help from Sir Google, we were able to narrow down our options ourselves and make an informed decision about the best policy for us.

I know so many people who would still choose a financial advisor – my parents for example wouldn’t have it any other way. They like the face to face contact, the advice on offer and the ‘safety’ it provides. For us however, the internet and an online life insurance company was the obvious choice – using the internet doesn’t limit us to a few select brands, and doesn’t offer us ‘tailored advice’ from someone who has never met us before. We are big enough and ugly enough to do our own, sensible research, and make an informed choice that works for us.

What about you? Would you still use an independent financial advisor, or would you use an online approach?

*This is a sponsored post*



  1. Michelle Reeves (bodfortea)
    October 14, 2014 / 3:35 pm

    This is a really interesting post – if you’d asked my parents this question they’d definitely have gone for a face-to-face meeting over the internet. But I’ll always turn to ‘Sir Google’ as my first port of call. Just goes to show how much has changed in what is a relatively short space of time and businesses ignore this at their peril!

  2. October 14, 2014 / 9:31 pm

    We do a bit of both – we have used a financial advisor in the past (who was recommended to us by my in-laws) but unless one was recommended to us, we’d probably be more likely to do our own research on the internet.
    Louise recently posted…Breastfeeding and anti-depressantsMy Profile

  3. October 14, 2014 / 11:43 pm

    Internet is always the way forward for me. I find then I will get all the answers I need rather than the answers some want me to hear.
    Helen recently posted…I Love Amber!My Profile

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