Bump Watch: 16 weeks

bump watch, pregnant, 16 weeks

16 weeks already – that’s 4 months, give or take. In another 4 weeks I will be halfway through my 4th pregnancy – time is flying!

My bump is steadily growing, and I am definitely needing to wear maternity clothes now – not only do they fit better, but they are far more comfortable than tight waistbands! 

I have had my 16 week midwife appointment today, and it’s one that I always enjoy – the first chance to listen in to baby’s heartbeat. Baby is still quite low down in my abdomen at the moment, but the midwife found it fairly easily, and it was coming in at a healthy 155 beats per minute. I know there is an old wives tale that claims to predict the gender based on the heart rate – anyone want to take a guess?


I have been feeling fairly well, apart from the heartburn making an unwelcome appearance. It’s worse in the evening – probably because that’s when we eat our big meal. It is manageable, although lying down at night is not pleasant. I am managing it with heaps of pillows and glass after glass of milk, which does seem to ease it slightly. My midwife also prescribed me some Gaviscon today, which I can use if it becomes worse.

My headaches seem to have eased this week – no idea if that is due to hormonal changes or just down to the fact that I have been making an effort to drink less Coke and more water – probably a combination of both!

I will be back next week with a 17 week update and bump shot. You can read my 15 week update here.

Play at home teacher


    • kate
      January 12, 2015 / 7:50 pm

      It seems to be fairly split at the moment – lots of guesses for boy and girl lol. We shall have to wait and see 😉

  1. January 12, 2015 / 8:21 pm

    Are you going to find out what the sex is? I bet after 3 times before you’re a pro at this being pregnant thing. I think it’s a boy, the way it’s sitting low xx
    Kate Hurn recently posted…The Fragrance Shop’s Discovery BoxMy Profile

    • kate
      January 12, 2015 / 9:44 pm

      No, we aren’t finding out. My husband thinks it’s a boy too

  2. January 12, 2015 / 9:33 pm

    Aww cute little bump!! This is the time where you can enjoy the pregnancy – normally the sickness has taken a backseat and the bump isn’t quite big enough to be uncomfortable!! Enjoy these few weeks 😉
    Helen recently posted…My 3 Things – Jan 12thMy Profile

  3. January 12, 2015 / 9:41 pm

    I’m going to say boy just because it sounds very different to how my little girly sounded at 16+5 on the doppler!
    Another Bun recently posted…The Day Has ComeMy Profile

  4. January 12, 2015 / 9:48 pm

    Oh no the heart burn is the worst, I think I had it from 12 weeks right up until birth, what a nightmare! 4 weeks until you are half way, how exciting!x
    Bloggermummylauren recently posted…Caitlin today you are 5My Profile

  5. January 12, 2015 / 10:20 pm

    Your pregnancy is flying by! Love hearing the heartbeat for the first time, magical x
    Donna recently posted…Living Arrows – 2/52My Profile

  6. January 13, 2015 / 2:52 pm

    Glad the headaches are down and the heartbeat is so reassuring.

  7. January 13, 2015 / 9:23 pm

    Oh I’m feeling for you with the heartburn – I always get it so badly when pregnant. This time they prescribed me something which helped immensely. Lovely bump shot too 🙂
    Lina recently posted…Little Memories #1 #2My Profile

  8. January 14, 2015 / 11:18 am

    What an exciting time, I almost miss it (not quite enough to have another, five is plenty haha). I’m going to guess girl! 🙂
    Mama OWL Blog | Jooleroo recently posted…One Week Later…My Profile

    • kate
      January 14, 2015 / 11:21 am

      I am definitely stopping after this one – 4 is wnough for us lol. Oooh another guess for girl – it seems to be pretty evenly split!

  9. January 19, 2015 / 10:49 am

    I had lots of heartburn throughout (and Sophie was born with LOTS of hair!). I found Rennies worked pretty well. Hope it eases off x

    Thanks for linking up to #bloggerbumps

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