Jacob’s 7th birthday with Balloon Time

Balloon Time

On Saturday my eldest boy turned 7.

It doesn’t seem possible. It doesn’t seem like more than a couple of years ago that we were bringing a tiny, fragile bundle home from the hospital. 

We wanted to make sure he had a special day, as last year was an awful, awful time involving a car accident and a hospital stay. So this year we got a big chocolatey cake, some fantastic presents and spent a lovely family day together. We were given a Balloon Time kit to help make his birthday go with a bang (although not literally šŸ˜‰ )

Balloon time

The Balloon Time tank contains helium, and the instructions are pretty clear. It states that the latex balloons included with the kit should last for 1-2 hours once filled, and so we waited until the morning of Jacob’s birthday before filling them. You simply slot the balloon over the end of the tap, turn it on and push down to fill the balloons. You can also buy foil balloons which last for a few days – it would be nice to have the option to choose which kit to buy. 

The children loved having helium balloons instead of the standard birthday balloons, mainly because they floated! The kit includes ribbon, so you can easily hold and catch the balloons. From a parents point of view, we loved that they floated too – it stops them from getting under your feet when you are trying to clear up wrapping paper or cut birthday cake!

Balloon time

All 3 children spent ages letting the balloons go and then jumping up to reach them again. We cut some of the strings longer than others so that Max could reach them too. 

Balloon time

Balloon time

Once the initial early morning present opening had happened, and Jacob had thoroughly tried out his new Man Utd kit, Lego Technic set and Skylanders, we bunched up a few of the balloons to tie by the front door, so people knew where the birthday was happening! This was really simple to do with the strong ribbon included, and I was pleased that none of the balloons burst when against the brick wall of the house. Interestingly, we did lose a few balloons inside, which popped when they touched the ceiling. I am not sure if this was due to the fact the ceiling is slightly rough, or whether we over filled them.

Balloon time

The day ended with some rather delicious cake, several rounds of blowing out the candles, and a very happy birthday boy. I definitely think Balloon Time helped to make the occasion. The kit we used cost Ā£24.99 from Tesco, which I think is good value for this sort of kit. Bear in mind that the helium tank will need to be disposed of correctly – ours is awaiting the next tip run. As for the balloons themselves, despite only advertising 1- 2 hours of float time we actually found they were still good the following day. 

Would we buy a Balloon Time kit again? I think it would depend on the occasion. With 3 (soon to be 4) children it would be quite expensive to buy a kit for each of their birthdays, but they would be ideal for a family celebration such as Christmas or welcoming a new baby to the family!

Iā€™m working with BritMums and Balloon Time as part of the ā€œCelebration Clubā€, highlighting inventive and fun ways of using balloons. I was provided with a Balloon Time helium kit and have been compensated for my time. All editorial and opinions are my own. Visit www.balloontime.com for more information and party inspiration. *




  1. April 27, 2015 / 10:13 pm

    It sounds like he had a great birthday and the balloons look awesome! x

  2. April 28, 2015 / 8:25 am

    Ah fab – we have a 7th birthday coming up in our house too #TriedTested
    Mummy Fever recently posted…Long-lasting toysMy Profile

  3. April 28, 2015 / 8:32 am

    So glad this years party made up for last year. The balloons look great! Can never have enough in my opinion! #TriedandTested
    Emily recently posted…Family Tree Personalised PrintMy Profile

  4. April 28, 2015 / 8:39 am

    Yay! It looks like a great party you must have breathed a sigh of relief at the end of the day after last year. My little girl’s birthday is coming up and she is really wanting helium balloons. They are so expensive individually and I’ve been to parties where they give them out with party bags, we might consider a kit and going this route. #TriedTested
    Erin Ek Rush recently posted…10 for the Weekend – West Yorkshire Family Events April 24 & 25My Profile

  5. April 28, 2015 / 9:06 am

    What a lovely party, the balloons just add to what must’ve been a very special day.


  6. April 28, 2015 / 9:17 am

    I love these kits, it is a great idea. I hope he enjoyed his special day x

  7. April 28, 2015 / 9:20 am

    Thanks for reviewing, I’ve been wondering if they are worth the money. I’m thinking they maybe just for the peace whilst the kids play with the balloons

  8. April 28, 2015 / 9:38 am

    This Balloon Kit looks great. We have a 7th birthday coming up in the house next month, think I might try it šŸ™‚

    Catherine recently posted…It’s World Penguin Day!My Profile

  9. April 28, 2015 / 11:15 am

    Happy birthday to your son! Like the idea of these balloons, they look fab

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