Baby girl, you are 2. 2! How is that even possible? You have changed so much in the last 12 months. Since your first birthday you have changed from a baby to a toddler. You walk, you talk (a lot) and you want to know about everything. Why does this happen,…

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Kid’s birthday parties don’t have to be stressful and expensive – it’s all about the planning. If you prepare in advance, and make sure everything is in place before you start, then you can enjoy the party just as much as the little ones! Venue Finding a venue that works…

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If you have a birthday coming up, chances are you need invitations too. I often look in card shops and supermarkets for mine, but let’s be honest – they can sometimes be a bit boring. It often ends up with all the kids in school using the same invitations for…

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When I was little, I remember birthday parties being nothing more than pass the parcel in layers of newspaper, a game of musical bumps and a bowl of jelly and icecream. And we loved it. We didn’t need anything more. But lately, kids parties have become something of a competitive…

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It’s been a bit of a rollercoaster the last 2 weeks, and I missed writing up a project 365 post last week as I was in hospital – so this week I have a 2 week round up for you! Day 130 – Max has been showing an interest in the…

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