Looking your best

https://www.hairbro.co.uk Photo Credit: get directly down via  Hairbro.co.uk

Since falling pregnant this time I have felt a lot more confident about the way I look. I love my big bump, I love wearing tops and dresses that show it off, and I don’t feel as self conscious as I might have before. My hair feels better too – although it is in desperate need of a cut and colour before baby arrives, it is thicker and shinier and somehow easier to manage.

As for my skin – well that hasn’t changed much. I have never really suffered with much more than the usual teenage spots, and the only thing I have noticed at the moment is that my skin is drier, although this could be as much due to the change in the weather than pregnancy.

One thing I do sometimes feel self-conscious about is my teeth. I had train track braces on my top teeth when I was a teenager, and they worked wonders – my top teeth are well aligned and straight. However, for whatever reason, I wasn’t given bottom braces, and although I was pleased about that at the time I now regret it and wish they had been fitted together. My bottom teeth have a lot of overlapping and it’s a shame they were not sorted at the same time. I have always though of braces as a teenage thing, but actually you can get them as adults too – these premium fastbraces from Sensu are an almost invisible, fast working option to get a straight smile again. Is this something I would consider? Quite possibly, as teeth are such an obvious thing aren’t they? Everyone notices them. 

Is there any part of your body you would change if you could? Would you ever consider a surgical option? 

* This is a collaborative post *


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