Trespass coat review

We were recently offered the chance to work with Trespass – an outdoor clothing, footwear and equipment company. As we live in rural Devon and spend a lot of family time outdoors, we knew this would be a perfect fit for us, and after some deliberation, Kevin chose a Matheson 3 in 1 waterproof jacket – ideal for many different seasons and scenarios. As I haven’t actually tried the coat myself, I shall hand you over to Kevin to tell you what he thinks!

Trespass mens coat review

We are very lucky where we live – there are so many different places to explore, to get out and get some fresh air. It helps that I love walking and we try and encourage the kids not only to enjoy it too but help them appreciate what is around them. When we had a dog, before Max was born, I used to walk him miles in all weather conditions. When I was by myself I would push on at quite a pace to make sure I covered some good distance but also to make sure that I had a raised heart beat for my own fitness. This is where I would have a problem with the coats I have. Now my coats have been good at what they say they do i.e. they are water proof they keep the water off, simple, but they were not breathable so there was no air flow around my body. So, as soon as I get my heart rate up I would start to sweat and be unable to cool down with my coat on and if I took it off I would then become too cold and this would be the start of a vicious circle.

Now I knew when I tried this coat from Trespass on it was not that cold and I was not going out on a power walk as I had the kids but there was a cold wind and when that died down you would feel the full heat from the sun. But when i put the Trespass coat on it was very comfy and managed to maintain and help regulate my body temperature – it was so good I didn’t realise that I had a coat on!

As you can see, the coat gets the thumbs up from Kevin. From a spectators point of view, it’s a lovely colour and makes a nice change from black. I like the fact it can be used in 3 different set ups – as a double layered jacket with the fleece insert zipped inside the waterproof outer, as a lightweight waterproof jacket with the fleece removed, or as a fleece on its own. It means you have a suitable coat for all weather conditions, without actually needing to go out and buy 3 coats!

Trespass mens coat review

This coat is on offer at the moment for just £50.99, and in my eyes that’s a fantastic price for a proper, outdoors jacket that offers so much. 



  1. April 29, 2015 / 7:00 am

    This looks great. I love the colour and that the fleece can be zipped in snd out :)?

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