Outdoor adventures with #CPfamilytime

Did you know children now spend 6 hours or more on screens every day? That’s a 50% increase from 1995. It’s quite a shocking thought really isn’t it? 6 hours is almost a full school day, or the best part of a family weekend. Center Parcs want to change this and are challenging people to share photos of family fun outdoors.

What do you remember the most fondly about your childhood? I remember mud pies, climbing trees, bruised knees, building forts with my sisters, racing around the street on my bikes. Exploring all the nearby countryside with my friends, digging holes, rolling down hills and looking for fish in the stream.

These are my fondest memories of childhood – roaming free, being outside for as long as possible, making my own adventures and creating imaginary worlds. I bet you did the same sort of things too, and we try to offer our own children the same opportunities. Every weekend, come rain or shine, we will get some time outside, even if it’s just a walk in the park or puddle jumping. Of course, the world is a different place compared with 20 years ago. Children are increasingly adept at consuming new forms of technology, and while our children do obviously use technology, probably on a daily basis, we try not to let it take over and replace real family experiences.

There are so many things we love to do, but here are some of our favourite moments from this year. Paddling pool splashing, beach digging, bridge climbing, conker collecting, puddle jumping FUN!

family outdoor fun

family outdoor fun

family outdoor fun

family outdoor fun

family outdoor fun

Center Parcs is challenging you to reclaim the great outdoors and share a photo of your family having fun outdoors together. It could be a bike ride, an afternoon of conker-finding, den building or just a walk through your local park. Share a photo of your outdoor fun and you could be in with a chance of winning a fantastic family bundle worth £300. Each bundle includes cinema tickets, restaurant vouchers, games and more,giving your family the chance to spend a great night in and a great night out together. Entries need to be made before midnight on Monday 19th October.

How to enter:

If you want to win a family bundle worth £300, all you need to do is post of photo of your family’s outdoor adventure onto the Center Parcs Facebook page or on twitter using #CPfamilytime. Terms and conditions apply.

1. Hold smartphone in selfie position

2. Turn camera on

3. Turn phone 180˚ away from you

4. Take photo of the scene around you

5. Upload to Facebook or twitter using #CPfamilytime

Let me know if you enter – would love to see you #CPfamilytime outdoor fun pictures!



1 Comment

  1. October 16, 2015 / 10:45 pm

    You guys always seem to be outside! Such lovely photos x

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