Project 365 2015, week 47

I know I say this every week, but I don’t know where the time goes. Another week has passed already and we are heading towards Christmas – and our new house – at a rate of knots! This weeks project 365 is a quiet one – we have just been juggling the usual routine of school, nursery and housework!

project 365

Day 312 – I don’t often dress Eliza up, but this gorgeous outfit is too cute not to use!

Day 313 – Gemma has been trying out a ‘build your own house kit’ – a review will be up on the blog soon.

Day 314 – These roses are just amazing, I can’t believe they are real flowers!

Day 315 – A big step – Eliza tried her very first taste of something other than milk. The pureed pears went down a treat.

Day 316 – The weather has really changed, and it feels pretty wintry now, so we dug out the coats, wooly jumpers and hats.

Day 317 – These 2 get on so well, but not sure how happy Eliza was about Max being so close to her!

Day 318 – A stunning rainbow this morning. 



  1. November 21, 2015 / 8:30 pm

    Love the winter clothes – I miss the baby days and getting new outfits! The roses are amazing!
    76 sunflowers recently posted…Project 365 2015 #47My Profile

  2. November 21, 2015 / 11:03 pm

    Ah weaning, where the fun begins 🙂 sounds like a great start! Those roses are gorgeous, I wonder if the local florist does them!

  3. November 25, 2015 / 9:58 am

    Nice to be excited about the house move getting nearer and nearer, just think next Christmas will be in the new home.
    She looks a bit bewildered in the pic in the posh dress, but very pretty.
    Nice rainbow, means the sun must have come out
    Elaine Livingstone recently posted…Stovies – a simple slow cooker recipeMy Profile

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