Review: The Hair Helper

If you have little girls in your family, you will know how difficult it is to store hair clips and hair bands. We have tried all sorts of storage options but the usual boxes and bowls just mean that everything gets lost in the bottom or spills out over the edge. When The Hair Helper got in touch, I went for a quick browse on their website, and knew straight away this was going to be the answer to all our problems. 

The Hair Helper

The Hair Helper

The idea behind the Hair Helper is so simple. It’s a plastic frame, and you can choose 3 different coloured ribbons from the wide range on the site to create your own personalised hair accessory holder. You can even add letters if you choose, so you could have a child’s name across the top. Assembling the Hair Helper is really easy – you just loop the ribbons through the slits in the frame and secure with the velcro tabs at the back. 

In my mind, there are 2 ways to use the Hair Helper. If your daughter only has hair clips, you can hang the holder up and simply use the ribbons to store hair clips. Once pulled taut, these ribbons are very supportive and will easily hold a full line of hair clips with ease. The fact there is a lot of hand room around the frame and ribbons makes it easy for little ones to remove the clips too.

The Hair Helper

The Hair Helper

If you have a little girl who is also partial to a headband, there are hooks at the base of the frame which you can use to store those too. I have found in the past that headbands stored in boxes always end up broke, so this is a real plus point for me. The headbands simply slide over the plastic hooks, which are strong enough to hold as many as you can fit on, and to remove them you just slide them off!

The Hair Helper

There is even a plastic hook included with the Hair Helper which you can attach to the side of the frame to store a hairbrush – sadly Gemma’s hairbrush is too wide for this loop, so we are going to get her a slimmer one to put in there – it is just so useful in the mornings to have everything to hand so Gemma can select her hair accessories easily before school.

hairpieces for men

Image source:

Would I recommend the Hair Helper? I absolutely would. It’s made a real difference to us in terms of storage – not only are all the clips and headbands easier for Gemma to find, it also looks so much neater and prettier than a box or bowl with everything falling out. A total winner for me, and something that is well worth investing in if you have little girls! 



  1. January 19, 2016 / 8:03 am

    We so need one of these. I can never find two matching bands! (I love your hair slide with the little red ballet shoes 🙂 )

    Catherine recently posted…Aaaarrgghh Spider! by Lydia MonksMy Profile

  2. January 19, 2016 / 8:08 am

    Now Clio could use one of these, they might not all end up in the Hoover bag then! #TriedTested

  3. January 19, 2016 / 8:22 am

    That looks really useful – Izzy’s hair accessories just seem to multiply on their own, yet I can still never find a matching pair of clips (In fact she has gone to school today with odd clips in). We have tried all different types of bags and boxes and baskets, but they just end up everywhere! #triedtested

  4. January 19, 2016 / 9:06 am

    What a fab way to store clips and hairbands, I could use one of these as i tend to end up rummaging around my make up bag,
    Shahnaz recently posted…DisneyLifeMy Profile

  5. Jodie Allen at Makeup to Motherhood
    January 19, 2016 / 10:20 am

    These look fab. Little girl hair accessories get EVERYWHERE! it drives me nuts. I rekon I could make one myself though so maybe ill do that #TriedandTested

  6. January 19, 2016 / 10:41 am

    That looks really useful. Our hair stuff is all over the place now (we also have that pink brush!)/ #TriedTested

  7. January 19, 2016 / 11:41 am

    I recognise some of those hair clips!!!
    We have a basket that we chuck all bobbles, clips, hairband and brushes into — yet I can still never find what I’m looking for!
    Colette B recently posted…Tried & Tested Tuesday (Week #3 – 2016)My Profile

  8. January 19, 2016 / 2:39 pm

    Oh wow this looks great! I love that it has the hooks on the bottom for headbands too! Such a handy thing as I am forever loosing hairbands around the house !
    Mums Space recently posted…Nimble Babies Bottle CleanerMy Profile

  9. January 19, 2016 / 2:40 pm

    This is such a great idea! I always lose hair ties and clips. I store them in so many different places. I need something like this to keep them all together x #triedtested

  10. January 19, 2016 / 3:55 pm

    This is what I need for all of Harlow’s headbands. I’ve seen a few people hand make them as well 🙂

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