Review: Konfidence swimwear

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Eliza, like her brothers and sister, has always been a water baby. If she is upset and crying, a bath always soothes her. So from an early age, we have made an effort to take her swimming as much as possible – sometimes I have taken her alone when the older children are at school or nursery, and sometimes we have all gone as a family – which is slightly more chaotic but heaps of fun. 

A couple of months ago, Konfidence asked me if we would like to try out some of their baby swimwear range. It is always difficult to know what to dress little ones in at the swimming pool, so we were keen to take a look at the Konfidence products to see if they would suit Eliza.

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Konfidence swimwear

Konfidence swimwear

Konfidence swimwear

The first items we tried were the Babywarma baby wetsuit and the Roll & Go baby changer. Anyone who has been in a changing room with a baby will know how hard it can be to find a clean and dry place to change your little one. The Roll & Go baby changer solves that problem. It rolls up nice and small so you can easily pop it in your swim bag, then simply undo the velcro and unroll for a dry, padded place to lay your tot for change time. Simple.

The Babywarma is a really clever piece of kit too. Many parents worry about how to keep really small children warm in the swimming pool. The Babywarma is made from a flexible 2mm-thick soft neoprene which allows them to stay warmer than they would if they were just wearing a swim nappy or costume. The material also allows you to get a much better grip on your slippery babe when you are carrying them around near the poolside. On top of that, it is also perfect for summer (if we have one) as it is 100% UV protective 

For ease of use and quick changes, the Babywarma has velcro openings at the sides and the bottom which allows it to be opened out flat for nappy changes and towel drying. This velcro also means it is incredibly adjustable – it isn’t quite one size fits all but it is certainly the closest thing you will get!

Konfidence swimwear

Konfidence swimwear

Of course, underneath the Babywarma, your little one will need some sort of swim nappy. Rather than spending a fortune on disposables, we have been using the Konfidence Aqua Nappy. This is made with a reassuring triple layer system, comprising of a soft polyester outer layer (ours has strawberries on – too much cute), a recycled PVC middle barrier layer and a soft mesh inner layer to sit against the skin. It fastens with both a velcro belt and poppers, which also allow you to adjust it to fit most babies from 3-30 months of age. I love this idea – just one swim nappy to last from first dips through to potty training. We have tried this nappy out on many swims, and I am pleased to say that we have not had a single leak. 

Konfidence swimwear

Konfidence swimwear

As well as offering a great range of swimwear and sunwear for babies and older kids, Konfidence also sell all sorts of accessories and toys. We love the Blinkies – they float in the water, and start flashing once they hit the surface. Ideal for bath time and swim time, these have been great for encouraging Eliza to splash and reach.

I wanted to share some pictures of Eliza swimming, but sadly we are not allowed to take photos at our pool, so you will have to take my word for it when I say that Eliza loves to swim. We will continue to take her as often as we can, and hope to start swimming lessons with her soon. I will let you know how we get on!



  1. February 7, 2016 / 8:47 pm

    thankyou for the reply 🙂

  2. February 9, 2016 / 8:12 am

    I used a konfidence baby warmer when my children were tiny. Brilliant product. #triedtested lifeinthemumslane

  3. February 9, 2016 / 9:36 am

    Awe she looks so gorgeous. I love the change mat #triedtested
    Emma recently posted…Storytime MagazineMy Profile

  4. February 9, 2016 / 9:38 am

    A great sounding range and the blikies are a fab idea for water confidence and play #TriedTested

  5. February 9, 2016 / 10:29 am

    Lovely pics! We used Konfidence swim nappies with Mia and really liked them, never had any ‘issues’! I would have loved the baby change mat as I used to just put a little towel down which wasn’t very comfortable for Mia to lie on. Swimming can be a bit crazy trying to keep baby warm and yourself as they are usual knackered afterwards but I remember us both enjoying it and I still take her swimming now at nearly 3 🙂


  6. February 9, 2016 / 12:15 pm

    This is a very well timed post as one of my plans for today is to buy Aria a swimming kit! The Konfidence items sound great. I think I will be a reusable swim nappy instead of the disposables, great idea.

    Leanne Cornelius recently posted…Review : Children’s Personalised EncyclopediaMy Profile

  7. February 9, 2016 / 12:57 pm

    Aww she looks so cute, bless her. My son would love one of those blinkies for the pool! #TriedTested

  8. February 9, 2016 / 12:59 pm

    We’re not allowed to take pictures at our pool either, think it’s n most pool’s policies. Super cute swimwear though and looks fab in her 🙂
    The Breastest News recently posted…Harlow’s 13 Month UpdateMy Profile

  9. February 9, 2016 / 2:28 pm

    These look really comfortable and such pretty designs too!

  10. February 9, 2016 / 6:28 pm

    Oh so cute. I am loving the blinkies… our 4 year old doesn’t like reaching out or letting go of us in the pool but think these may persuade her otherwise! #triedtested

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