Review | Ergopouch Sleepsuit

Ergopouch sleepsuit

Eliza has slept in sleeping bags since she was born, and we used them for all our other children too. At 19 months, she now associates the sleeping bag with bedtime, and is always more than happy to snuggle up in hers ready for a sleep (she is so much like me). 

When Ergopouch got in touch to see if we fancied trying out one of their new Sleepsuits, the timing couldn’t have been better – she has had a growth spurt, and seems to be getting too long for all her current sleeping bags. Their 3.5 tog sleepsuit is perfect for the cold winter nights, and comes with cotton sleeves and fold over mitts to keep hands and arms cosy too.

Ergopouch sleepsuit

Eliza slept soundly in her Ergopouch sleepsuit, and she was certainly warm and comfortable when she woke up the next morning. During breakfast, we often find Eliza feels cold, as she adjusts to the temperature without her sleeping bag on – we have tried dressing gowns but she really doesn’t like them. The Ergopouch sleepsuit has a fantastic feature that is perfect for these cold mornings, cosy evenings and lazy weekends. There are 2 zips at the base of the sleeping bag, which can be unzipped and converted into legs. The feet have gripper soles, ideal for running around after breakfast. 

Ergopouch sleepsuit

The sleepsuit would also be perfect if you needed to use it in the pushchair – cold school runs spring to mind here! It would be lovely to scoop Eliza up in this and pop her in the pram ready to take the bigger ones to school, knowing she was well wrapped up and warm. 

Available in sizes up to 4 years, this is a must have for those little ones who love the warmth and comfort of a sleeping bag, but need the flexibility of a sleepsuit. Best of both worlds!



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