Baby girl summer fashion

Mayoral dresses

This week the sun has really had it’s hat on, and we have spent a lot of time out in the garden, enjoying the warmth and light. We even hooked up the water slide yesterday, because it was SO hot, and the kids loved it. The sound of their laughter filled the air, and they all went to bed happy, tired and dreaming of more summer fun. 

The sunny weather it fantastic, but it made me realise that Eliza’s summer wardrobe is sorely lacking. We have heaps of dungarees, trousers, long sleeved tops and jackets, but not many shorts or summer dresses. I went on a bit of a hunt last night, and came across Mayoral, which has some truly scrumptious newborn girl dresses, with a design to suit every taste. I absolutely love the landscape print and red striped newborn dresses in the picture above – wouldn’t they just be ideal for the summer months? I can just see Eliza wearing both of these, and because they are aren’t too long, they wouldn’t get in her way when she was exploring. Some of the dresses on the site even have matching knickers – ALL the cute!

I love the versatility of dresses – not only can they be worn when the weather is hot, but you can team them with tights and cardigans in the autumn, so you really do get good wear and good value from them. 

I have sometimes found it hard to know what to dress Eliza in – it has been 10 years since I last had a baby girl to style! I came across this post recently, with some amazing tips for dressing a stylish baby girl and I love it – there are some great tips in there, from how to accessorise baby clothes to making your own headbands. I might just have a go at making a red stripy headband to match those gorgeous dresses…. 



  1. July 11, 2024 / 5:03 pm

    Baby dress is a very important business ,,,because babies need these clothes constantly ,,babies are always cute because of which everyone adores them and they are innocent so adbaby dre

  2. July 11, 2024 / 5:09 pm

    Baby dress is a very important business ,,,because babies need these clothes constantly ,,

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