How to make your garden more wildlife friendly for your children

When the warmer months start to creep in, we want to encourage our children to ditch their electronic devices for the great outdoors. Teaching our children how to respect wildlife is vital if we want to pave the way for a greener future. If you want to make your garden more wildlife-friendly, this short guide is here to help. We cover it all, from bird cages to insect hotels. 

Build A DIY Insect Hotel

Although the thought of an insect hotel might make your skin crawl, they can be fascinating features for your children to look at. Building a DIY insect hotel can be a fun activity that you can share with one another, and you will soon find that it attracts all sorts of important insects to your garden. Take a look at a DIY insect tutorial online to get started. They are pretty cost-effective, and you will find that you can forage for most of the materials you need, like twigs and rocks, in your own back garden. 

Use Bird Boxes And Bird Feed

Birds play a vital role in our ecosystem. They disperse seeds they have eaten through their droppings, which helps bring plants back to our ecosystem. If you struggle to attract birds to your outdoor space, consider purchasing some wild bird accessories. You can buy wild bird accessories like nest boxes and feeders from sites like goYo Pets. Ideally, you should choose food to help them thrive throughout the year. Seed mixtures are a good place to start, and you can easily find these online. Ensure that you also keep a fresh water supply out for the birds too. Avoid leaving the same water bowl out for too long as it can harvest bacteria which will make birds ill. 

Plant A Variety Of Flowers And Shrubs

Not only do flowers and shrubs look beautiful in your garden, but they are also beneficial for wildlife. Flowers, in particular, provide food for many insects. Your children will love spotting some new arrivals in the garden, and you can also encourage them to plant flowers with you. It can be a lovely bonding exercise for all of you to enjoy. Before choosing which shrubs and flowers to grow in your garden, you will need to do your research. Take a look at some gardening tips online to help you get started. 

Let That Grass Grow

Most of us are quick to cut our grass as soon as the warmer months creep in. However, you could be disrupting wildlife by doing so. Don’t be afraid to let your grass grow for a little while. You will notice that you spot more beautiful insects like butterflies. Wildflowers are also likely to appear. This doesn’t mean that you should avoid mowing your lawn altogether. However, try to keep it to a minimum. Mow your lawn once every four weeks rather than every two weeks. You will find that your children will enjoy hunting out new wildlife and expanding their knowledge on how to respect it.


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