In the UK, around 2 million people are living with loss of vision. If we consider less severe problems with sight, then the number swells hugely. Around one in five adults will deal with sight loss at some point in life. But for some, the problems can strike early.
Sight loss in children can be obvious. A child might squint while reading, and struggle to make out objects and patterns at a distance. In some cases, however, the symptoms might not be quite so obvious.
Given the importance of intervening to support children with sight loss, it pays for parents to acquaint themselves with the telltale signs. The earlier you notice a potential problem, the earlier you can intervene to correct it.
What signs should you be aware of?
Short attention span is something that children increasingly suffer from. Being bombarded by digital distractions can inhibit your ability to concentrate, whether you’re a child or an adult. In some cases, however, it can visual problems to blame. When activities require clear vision, a child with visual problems might feel that they can’t really fully commit to them.
Problems reading can be caused by a lack of acuity. If text looks blurry, then children will often lose their place. In some cases, a child might favour other activities over reading. Don’t conclude immediately that this is just a preference speaking: it might point to visual problems.
In some cases, your child might tilt their head to one side when they want to concentrate on something. This is a way of compensating for a range of minor visual faults, like near-sightedness.
What intervention is important
If you suspect that your child is having trouble seeing, then you should intervene immediately. There’s no downside to rapid action. If you do uncover a problem, then your optician will be able to prescribe the appropriate eyewear.
Why should you give your child different options for eye care?
By giving your child a choice of different eyewear, you’ll encourage them to feel invested in their vision, rather than feeling that the glasses or contact lenses are being imposed on them. Children might have particular preferences, and there exists a range of glasses designed to cater to the tastes of younger people.
Some children might prefer especially different options, like coloured contact lenses. It’s worth noting, however, that contact lenses are not appropriate for very small children. Generally, we might look to eleven as a minimum for most children.