Sensitive bladder: breaking the taboo

A new study, conducted by Always Discreet reveals the real impact of Adult Incontinence (AI) on the daily lives of over 3.5 million British women. In a society where women are no longer defined by their age, 1 in 5 British women admit that they feel younger than their actual age. But for women who suffer from sensitive bladder, nearly half (42%) said they feel older than they really are as a direct result of their condition.

Always Discreet launches the research today as part of its mission to break the silence around AI so that women can feel empowered to live the age they feel inside, with nothing holding them back. With nearly half (45%) of sufferers admitting sensitive bladder affects their happiness, the brand wants to help give these women a voice by inviting them to share their stories. 

Anyone who has had a baby is likely to have experienced some form of bladder incontinence at some stage, whether that was during pregnancy or after the birth – and it’s hardly surprising is it? All that extra weight for your muscles to bear, all the extra fluid you are carrying and all the trauma that area can come under during childbirth. I know that most of my friends who have families have suffered at some stage, and it can be embarrassing – but we want to change that. It’s such a normal thing, it’s so common and it shouldn’t be a taboo. 

So if you have suffered in the past, are experiencing the condition now or know someone who is, here are some tips on living with a sensitive bladder, from Always campaign ambassador and GP Dr Sarah Jarvis:


Share how you are feeling with someone. If you feel too embarrassed to speak to a loved one then set up an appointment with your GP. Millions of women in the UK suffer from sensitive bladder, you are not alone and there is help available.


Your bladder is trainable: if you’re troubled by needing to pass water very often and needing to rush to the toilet, talk with your doctor about a daily schedule to build up your bladder’s holding capacity. Remember; allow your bladder to empty completely each time you go to the toilet.


There’s no need to avoid drinking in order to reduce the urge to visit the bathroom. Limiting your water intake makes your urine more concentrated, which boost your chances of bladder irritation. Keep hydrated.


Caffeine, alcohol and fizzy drinks could be your new worst enemies– they can irritate a sensitive bladder. Everyone with sensitive bladder could benefit from cutting down on alcohol. If your symptoms include needing to rush to the loo, try limiting those coffees, teas and carbonated beverages for a week or two to see if it helps.


If you experience anxiety, worry and concern because of your sensitive bladder, mental relaxation can be a very valuable aid. Avoid worrying about problems excessively; you can seek urology advice from Urocare London. Deliberately include activities in your daily life that bring you pleasure for example meeting friends, going to the cinema or taking a walk. 

Top tips for taking care of your sensitive bladder whilst exercising: Body Control Pilates founder, Lynne Robinson


Pilates, yoga, cycling, tai chi, brisk and Nordic walking are all great low impact activities that will keep you fit.


Strong abdominal exercises can put too much pressure on your pelvic floor. Opt for gentler core exercises instead, to keep your abdominals in shape.


By practicing at least three times a day, these exercises can help you strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and give you more control when you need it. If you’re not sure how to do them, speak to your doctor or visit


Be aware of your posture whilst you exercise and go about your daily activities. Slouching inhibits your deep core muscles from working properly.


Learn to breathe more efficiently with Pilates or yoga. Never hold your breath while exercising as this puts pressure on your pelvic floor.


We perform many of our daily activities without consciously thinking about our movements. Stand square and close, bend from your knees and hips, keeping your back straight.

Even though 1 in 3 women in the UK over the age of 18 experience the condition, it is still wrongly associated with old age and this misperception can leave women feeling embarrassed, alone and much older than they really are.  However, there is help at hand, such as Always Discreet, that provides women with the protection and discretion they really need. 

Always Discreet

Have you been affected by a sensitive bladder or adult incontinence? I would love to hear from you if so, and feature your story – let’s break the taboo. You can email me if you want to discuss this further!

* This is a collaborative post *



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