As many of you will know, tomorrow is World Book Day. Gemma and Jacob have been asked to take their favourite book into school to share with the class, and explain why they like it. This has caused a few problems tonight, as they struggled to choose just one favourite!…

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I recieved a very exciting phone call yesterday from PUSHCHAIR TRADER to say that our family had been chosen as car seat testers for the Recaro Monza Nova car seat, which you can read more about here Recaro. We were delighted to be chosen as testers, and our first challenge was deciding on…

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Jacob had a haircut at the weekend, and this morning he wanted it ‘spiked up’. Daddy found some hair gel and spiked up his new haircut, and Jacob immediateley rushed off to look in the mirror. He was very pleased and said he looked like Sonic the Hedgehog and was…

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It is really miserable weather here today, so we decided to have an indoor day.Gemma and Jacob wanted to watch The Incredibles, so we popped that on and settled down with some popcorn and snacks. Once the film had finished, the weather was still rubbish and so we had an…

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