The lovely Jo over at My Monkeys Dont Sit Still has tagged me in an ‘All about me’ post – this was started by another blogger after her daughter came home from school with a booklet called ‘All about me’. I think it is sometimes very easy to hide behind the computer…

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First things first – a huge thankyou to Emma over at Desserts and Decoupage for nominating me in the Blog Your Heart Out awards. I am touched that you thought of me, and that you like my little old blog. There are a few rules with these awards: Answer the following 5…

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I saw this fantastic idea over at the Life with ASD and me blog, and thought it was fabulous – so I am doing it too! Here we go: A: Attached or Single? Attached – been married to the lovely Kevin for almost 7 years.B: Best Friend? Hmm that’s a toughie –…

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