Both practicing and appreciating art is essential for child’s development, so say numerous studies. Kids who love arts study better, have better motor skills, develop more rapidly, and even have a lower risk of developing some neurodegenerative diseases. But what can you do if your little tyke scorns musical instruments,…

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Today on the blog we have a crafty guest post by Mandy from Life with ASD and me. She shares her craft box treasures – and I want to know what’s in your craft box? Time outside as a family is quite difficult for us due to Logan and Skye’s sensory needs.…

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Gemma loves to draw – she nearly always has a pencil and a piece of paper stashed away in her bag or pocket, just in case a drawing opportunity arises. We were recently sent ‘How to Draw 101 Spooky Things’ from Top That Publishing. With Halloween just around the corner, it…

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I recently discovered a lovely company called ‘A Word of Art’. They create personalised word art, perfect for a gift, or as a little treat for yourself. I was sent one of their family tree prints to review. The family tree print features the names of your family members entwined…

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