Today I have a guest post from Mark who blogs at On a Good Day. He is discussing a toughie – deciding how many children to have. As my host Kate has just had her fourth(!) baby, I wanted to write a bit about that toughest of questions, how many children…

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  Hi all – Laura here from First Two then Blue. Big Thank You to Kate for letting me guest post on her lovely blog! I am mummy to Amelie, 7. Lottie, 5, and my troublesome tot Kier, 18 months.   As my daughters have recently moved to a new School I would love to…

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I read this article today, about how a third child brings no extra joy. Apparently research has shown that happiness levels increase for both men and women before and after the birth of a first and second child but by the third child this effect is ‘negligible’ Needless to say, it…

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Bedtime has always followed a strict routine in this house, and for the most part it seems to work really well. Of course there are days when it all goes out the window – nights out, special occasions, holidays etc but on an average day the following happens: School pick…

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Photo Credit: libertygrace0 via Compfight cc As parents, we all have different ways of disciplining our children. That’s OK – we are not all the same, our children don’t all respond in the same way. But how and where do we draw the line? Smacking is a hot topic at…

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